
Yes, it is the ultimate "living on the edge road".

No - Mitsubishi built the car to make a full run and back down. We have tested getting to the end of the battery cycle and it performs well.

Yes the EV's have a siren at 120db which surprisingly, I can't hear in the car. It is a bit of a concern for me. I am just hoping when I come around a blind corner at 120mph there is not a Winnebago "minnie winnie" trying to park.

It give me twice as many chances to win.

It is pretty insane. Best way I would describe it is that's like having a throttle for the fastest roller coaster you have ever been on. It did take a little bit of time to get comfortable with no motor sound. It is really all by feel now.

Yes I did. Honestly, on the 1200cc Ducati, I was able to slide more on the asphalt. In the Mitsubishi, I am finding a similar feel. The speeds are obviously much faster and I like that! But the edge does come quicker.

Thanks for the congrats! Last year's time for Mitsubishi was actually pretty quick. I knew that they were making this years car even better and I just couldn't miss the opportunity to be a part of the electric movement.

Probably racing, because it lasts longer...stunts are over in a few seconds. I think I would rather be paid to NOT crash.

Probably racing, because it lasts longer...stunts are over in a few seconds. I think I would rather be paid to NOT crash.

You are right on that!! I have been answering a hundred emails a day telling me to be safe, but it what I do and love.

In order to go the speeds required to win, you must have total focus and see the edges of the road only. That being said, when you get to about 10 or 11,000 feet and above the trees the edge of the road becomes the horizon line, clouds and blue sky with 100o foot drop offs. That's when you gotta really dig deep.

Not sure if there is a preference for either, but to be part of the innovation of what is going to have an impact on my children's futures is really important to me. To also get in a car that is so fast and so responsive like the Mitsubishi MiEV Evolution II, I certainly don't mind that that kind of adrenaline rush

I think that the changes in Pikes Peak are just part of racing Pikes Peak. I did love the dirt, but I also love the asphalt and after the runs that I have had with the Mitsubishi - it has been great fun...and fast! Fast is good!

Hey thanks!! The support has been overwhelming...really appreciate the kind words. I hope you get one of the Special Edition Hot Wheels - check out my Facebook page- or My Life at, I posted a pic yesterday. I'll do my best to make you all proud!! GT

Thanks buddy!! Go Team Green!!

Great!! It is a big loop!! Glad I could help!!

Great!! It is a big loop!! Glad I could help!!

If I wasn't doing this, I think I would want to be a Bandito Brother - with my buddies Mouse, Scott, Jacob, Jet Boat Billy...and a few others. Yeah, I think that works. :)

I am proud to be competing with Tanner Foust. He is a good friend and really talented guy. All of Team Hot Wheels are very accomplished racers and I suppose, that's why we are part of Hot Wheels. I am very proud to be doing the stunt with Tanner and for Hot Wheels, but of course I plan on Team Green to be the first

You know there are so many cars that I have driven and honestly, expense doesn't matter. I think the environment, who you are with, what you want to do...well, that can be worth more than money. I can remember times being in the biggest beater car (usually because me and my buddies beat it up) and having the best of