
Good question! That might take me some time to think about. I ought to bring in the entire Hot Wheels team for meeting and see what they can come up with...if I make it through the big orange loop tomorrow (and if Jalopnik wants me back...) I follow up with you on how Team Hot Wheels would make that happen.

After the Double Dare Loop, I think a roller coaster is just a walk in the park.

I think I will have enough adrenaline pumping through my system tomorrow!! Who needs coffee, when you have life sized Hot Wheels to play with!

Training was done at a top secret, Hot Wheels location and the Loop was at the base just to check the assembly. The loop was constructed in LA at the X Games. Tanner and I have not done the Douple Loop....tomorrow is the official, real deal - the Hot Wheels Double Loop Dare. Yes, we have done the calculations and the

Thanks!! Crazy busy day, but I definitely wanted to say hi to all the Hot Wheels fans out there!! Jalopnik has been great. Hope you check out my blog too -

I thought I answered this one - but it didn't show...and I want to make sure I do. Great description and I think you said it best. I too remember being a kid and playing with my Hot Wheels out at the race track where my dad was racing. My brother and I would have Hot Wheels coming out of our pockets, dirt everywhere

Sure!! I think the orange makes me think of the Hot Wheels we played with as kids. Just follow the orange track, keep the rubber side down and GO.... what could go wrong?!? haha - I have always been a huge Hot Wheels fan and grew up playing with the cars, I think like many of us. To actually be in the driver’s seat

Sure!! I think the orange makes me think of the Hot Wheels we played with as kids. Just follow the orange track, keep the rubber side down and GO.... what could go wrong?!? haha - I have always been a huge Hot Wheels fan and grew up playing with the cars, I think like many of us. To actually be in the driver’s seat

It really hit home when I was staring down the orange track with that giant loop looming ahead. I think you just have to gun it and go! Keep your eyes on the track!

It really hit home when I was staring down the orange track with that giant loop looming ahead. I think you just have to gun it and go! Keep your eyes on the track!

Thanks buddy!!

Wow - there have been quite a few stunts that I suppose I would label as scary. There is so much going on at the Top Secret Hot Wheels facility, that for me to answer is almost impossible. I would say that the Double Loop Dare is up there for sure. A record-setting, six-story-tall loop attempt is a pretty good

Well technically, it is not my car. I am a Team Hot Wheels driver and it is a Hot Wheels car, so anybody can have one! Honestly, it is cool to be part of such an epic stunt - the Double Loop Dare, and to see yourself on a Hot Wheels box with the scale model version of the same car that you are going to strap yourself

Thanks buddy!

It happens pretty fast, so you just focus on the orange track.

Pikes Peak is like home for me, so before I say anything, I want to let all of the community in and around Pikes Peak and Colorado Springs that you have certainly been on my mind. My heart just sank when I saw the pictures of the fire coming in - but we will rebuild and we as racers, will be back to help the Mountain


If you have looked at the pictures of the Double Loop Dare, there are no sides, so I am relying on all of our data to ensure that once Tanner and I hit the orange track, we keep it straight, we are good! If I am concerned about going off the sides and if I start to slide - it is too late.

We have to maintain a speed of 52mph - steady, consistent...and keep our eyes on the bright orange track.

Team Hot Wheels has put us through really extensive training to get ready for the Double Loop Dare. We have had Top Secret military training. Major physical fitness training to be prepared for the possibility that this hasn't been done before and yes, something could go wrong - but we have the best of the best as part