No Zoolander?
No Zoolander?
Glad you are keeping an eye out for patients. It’s a difficult task interfacing with both patients and docs, as both have very different situational expectations. I still find it hard to believe that there is only 1 surgeon in that hospital/area that she is able to visit. Might be a smallish surgical group, but still…
Besides the drug interactions...that are various serious indeed and should have been caught by the Pharmacist, hospitalist, surgeon and the computer system; why didn’t she go elsewhere? If you don’t like the doc fire that sob and go elsewhere. Money talks, you can also post about it on doc review sites.
Yup, “older” parent of 3 checking in here. everything you stated is exactly what I tend to do. Very relaxed parenting style. Mostly trust but verify, with appropriate boundaries and expectations set. Oddly enough everything I learned about parenting I learned from managing a group of millennial IT workers.
That’s just awesomely creepy! And I need to have it in my life!
This article was FANTASTIC!
I found my new service animal companion!
Sorry, my first post came off a little assholish, I’m really not, I need to find a ghost poster person for me. You are correct about the sexisim, it really does make for a bad day. Thankfully it’s mostly from the boomer patients and not much on the employee side. There are male docs out there still playing in the…
That is the honest truth right there! I still one one again though lol.
Nope try again. Wife checked with a male colleague that has been working at the same place for 1.5 years longer, Guess what? They are paid exactly the same.
good to know!
This is the correct answer, Old one is leaps and bounds better then the “new” one.
I understand where you are coming from. Thank you, good luck on your journey you sound like a very well adjusted resident, and I’m sure you will make a fantastic doc! Hang in there at some point patients will finally get it, female docs are wonderful and in my book make better healers than their male counterparts.
once the loans are paid off ($280,000 ish), I plan on obtaining an old ratrod and wrenching on it. For now it’s just some California dreaming.
I changed my mind, I will repeat what I previously stated. Further did you just create an account simply to respond to my half baked commentary? I feel honored. Going back to what I previously stated, Sorry I have a cognitive disability, sometimes information makes in but not fully digested. Again I am sorry for that.…
huh sorry, didn’t mean to piss in your wheaties. For having been there and done that, no I did not go through the program I was the support / task master / investor. I stopped at a bio degree, and then went on for a CS degree. Most of the concerns you address are still there in the professional environment. I know my…
Sorry, I have a cognitive reading disability (dyslexia). Sometimes most of the information is digested. Other times it gets jumbled-up and discarded.
very true, I just had a senior moment
Thats correct I had a senior moment. Pro tip: catch up on sleep now, good luck on step 1 and step 2. If you have to scramble for residency, it’s not the end of the world.