
We too had a contract with Nicalis and can confirm the EXACT same scenario. Communication was horrible, sometimes going weeks or months without hearing a word from Tyrone. We cut ties with him after assuming he was a terrible business person at best, or a scammer at worst. We insisted as per the contract that he

I was a beta tester for Cave Story+ and NightSky back in 2011. I can confirm that all bug reports had to be sent through Tyrone himself and I never received confirmation/requests for more info about any problems I identified and some were still present in the final release, one issue with the map on a certain screen

Haven’t read yet, just wanted to say: You’ve done it again, Jason. This is the kind of investigative journalism that we need in the gaming industry, and you continue to hit home.

Life in Aggro coming in with Spider Positivity.

The proper term isn’t downvotes, it’s “surprise disagreements.”

You gonna insult Darryl Philbin that way?

I’m already seeing the comments, so let’s be clear about something here:

“Cancel Culture” did not kill Alec Holowka. We don’t yet have the full picture of how he died, but it sounds as if he died by suicide, and had been suffering from a host of psychological and personal difficulties prior to that final, tragic act.


Great article! KoF was indeed super popular here in Mexico and the “retas” could get intense, man. Around here, if you wanted to play, you’d queue your coin on the little slot between the screen and the body of the cabinet and waited for your turn. On the weekends you’d see 10 to 15 coins, sometimes more, queued on

My main issue with Portal 2 is that it felt...overdeveloped, if that’s such a word.

Chido tu cotorreo

I’m from South America, born and raised, so I feel like I should be allowed to give my two cents on this:

The only one I can think of that even mentions it anymore is Jim Fucking Sterling Son.


The other 26% must only do coop with friends.

The report button is my favorite button. Getting that pop-up that they’ve taken action is so cathartic that it more than makes up for any shitty behavior I’ve been subjected to.

Because the world isn’t that simple, probably. What is evil? Even Reaper has a backstory. There are reasons for the way he is.

Well, he doesn’t appear to be touching the ground.  Why would he even need shoes?

Reddit was leading the charge against her and was making a good case, because yeah, she’s done some shitty things while streaming.

Look, she definitely tossed that cat a bit rougher than I would have but if you’ve ever owned a cat, you know it was just fine.