If you look, the beam is coming from an amiibo figure, I think it’s meant to be Epona (which only comes into Breath of the Wild with an amiibo). So that’s definitely how the horse comes into being.
If you look, the beam is coming from an amiibo figure, I think it’s meant to be Epona (which only comes into Breath of the Wild with an amiibo). So that’s definitely how the horse comes into being.
I went for the green and pink Joy-con set as soon as they came out, and I have a transparent backplate on my Switch covered in metallic rainbow star stickers. I love color options beyond the boring and staid black or gray options most gamers are given. And if anyone doubts I am a serious gamer, I will show them my…
My understanding of grammar is solid. I'm just really lazy.
I remember walking through Best Buy after I shipped my first big console title (a DC/WB title), and seeing a dad playing it with his son in the video game department. I just sat and watched as they talked about the game and figured out their respective characters’ moves. It was surreal and sublime to see two strangers…
False. I still don’t have P4Golden on my Switch.
Arnold Schwarzenegger made plenty of shit films too, and he is clearly the model Johnson is patterning his career after. Is the contention that Johnson is forced to decline opportunities in daring arthouse cinema because he’s all locked up making Pain & Gain 2 with his best bud Michael Bay? I’m not seeing it.
They aren’t remaking the models, they made models with Creatures inc back in 2013 that will scale for many generations, they are still using them.
This. And it’s not entitlement; it’s “Why hasn’t this series advanced, and in some cases, why has it gone backwards?” We kinda dealt with it for the handheld games but this is really disappointing for the first console title.
It sure is easy to handwave any complaints away as being irrational and unwarranted while not faulting Game Freak on any choice they make simply because it's their vision, eh?
I think people understate the anger of the fanbase. This National Dex thing (which was a problem since Sun and Moon though those games allowed you to keep every old pokemon, even if they don’t have a dex entry), is just the straw that camel back. There has been many details over all games that have accumulated and…
Yeah. Still not getting it due to the lack of Pokemon that’ll be in it, the lack of Z Moves and the lack of Mega-Evolutions. The detail isn’t even that good when you compare it to games like Breath of the Wild. The models are basically the same as seen in Sun and Moon. They have been reused since X & Y, all the way up…
Yeah, you mentioned the “S word”. The problem with subtlety is that way too many people seem to consider it one of, if not THE mark of good writing.
But here’s a dirty little secret: subtlety is a tool, not an end.
“This is something to remember. The people at Gamefreak who are working on this game are spending months and years of their lives developing this new Pokemon adventure. It’s okay to be disappointed or even a bit upset about the National Dex news. But don’t attack, harass or insult the people making this game. That…
And? There’s nothing dependent on the mobile platform for any mobile game to exist except maybe AR games.
Nothing that brought us Monument Valley or The Room series could ever be a mistake.
As a man I approve this message. Boy do we suck.