
Never got into Homestuck but was heavily exposed to it because a cosplayer I d a huge crush on loved it. Been curious about it ever since but I’ve found tedious the idea of makig sense of where to start and where to deviate to animations or stuff like that.

Yeah. Being one of those odd fellas that play XCOM or Destiny for the story... WotC dropped the ball hard, or rather... Just made a mess of a story that didn’t really need fixin’.

2K are some of the worst PC publishers when it comes to pricing. Them and Capcom. They’ll often realease old games at high prices or wait years to adjust pricing for old AAA games.

Those who bought from resellers must feel awful right now

I think I’m in the minority who sees little issue with this. Not because I defend Steam (their almost-monopoly still endangers PC gaming), but because Steam is a private plataform and they have the right to negate entry to games they consider harmful for their image even them being harmful is debatable. But I think I

Hideaki is the ultimate procrastinator, I swear he will do ANYTHING not to finish Rebuild.

Corpse Run is so on point with this. Injustice 2 went from “Who cares?” to “Must buy” for me after that Hellboy character reveal.


Now you’re making up shit.

Er... God bless Eagles, Burguers and The ‘merica Way!! (?)

As I rewrite my answer a couple of times, I realize all this might be due to the internet reshaping our view of the world as a smaller piece of land where we coexist closer than we think, where borders become abstract ideas and we’ve discarded ideals of chauvinism.

Probably just me but overly patriotistic ads (in worldwide relasing games) turn me off.

The bigger the risk, the bigger the profits? That should be a core philosophy of every park management sym!!

Place where nothing is tested and people will die.

Aww!! I was getting used to calling it Blizzard App. All this goddamn mental stress to not say was for naught :/

The base seems a bit tall (does that even make sense?)... Is it actually comfortable to play games for long periods of time?

This movie is freaking fantastic. I had the honor of being dragged to this movie by a friend without even knowing it existed (I’m sort of a casual/mainstream otaku), and its a work of art from the score to the animation and meta narrative.

I have played Senran Kagura in public AND explained Destiny’s plot to people who had never even seen ads for it.

And a full remake of Senran Kagura Burst!!!