
Very much this.

Love story of the week

Now there’s an idea for a brawl!!

Being able to switch perspective would give an awareness disadvantage to people playing in first person so it’d have to be either everyone or no one.

Incredibly obvious referencing skins is something Blizzard has absolutely no issue with:

Look let’s just agree any game on the Switch would be fantastic. From Q-Bert to Steins; Gate.

Now playing

The Japanese trailer for those who wanna see what it looks like.

I feel like you skipped over a huge part of my comment.

To begin with, I think you missed the part where I said I live in Mexico. ComiXology is not available here (nor anywhere outside of the US, according to their ToS). None of the options Kodansha offers works for me either. Niether iTunes nor Amazon México have

Gaben got it right. I currently read my manga (illegally) from a site where I can sort my manga by currently readi, read, favorites and planning to read, have bookmarks and get notified when the mangas I follow get updated. The site also has forums per title and a rating system.

I didn’t read the whole article. Sorry Cecilia, I promise I will. But I wanna write this down in the comments first:

Not only that, it’s 100% not the same engine (even if both were custom-made, they’re clearly different engines).

It is. Even more reason to report toxicity on the spot. I try to make sure all my team report toxic players and offer to report toxic players on the enemy team as well.

Whenever I get a leaver/thrower or highly toxic/abusive player, I ask both teams to report as it is on us to curate the community.

Who IS this?! She looks cool and cute.

He sort of looks like Shia LaBeouf in the header image 

I did say “Hey that’s kinda racist!” when I saw the outfit, but when you put it in that context, yeah I guess it ain’t that bad.

Is that Pauline singing the trailer’s song?! Holy shit please let it be!!

I’ve never understood people who won’t purchase someone else’s creations because they don’t align with their beliefs.

EA looks out the window at its neighbors’ pool party, except the pool is filled with money, EA turns around and asks Bioware: