
I don't see how KUROKI Meisa would work as Fujiko. Not really a fan of her acting. SHAKU Yumiko might have worked better. Her acting might not be any better but at least she can be sexy.

Given the way both handhelds are able to interact, along with the fact their handheld hasn't been selling that well, it was inevitable that Sony would eventually start selling the two devices together. Which they now are. Only it's not that great a deal.

Try Amazon if you still haven't gotten yours from GameStop.

Just got a digital code from Amazon for $29.99 for 1-year

Each of the 5 acts of MGS4 required a 3-minute install on PS3 (I wish they have given us the option of installing everything instead of reinstalling every time). Changing the disc will take like 30 seconds. That said, MGSV won't be episodic like MGS4 so they might go with the GTAV route and provide a play disc and

Now playing

Speaking of Lupin. There is a Lupin III vs Detective Conan movie coming out in a week or so in Japan (there was an OVA before).

VVS video made me a fan of Gloves and Boots a couple of years ago. Spread the love :)

The population density, on the other hand, is much closer than that. It's anywhere between 1.5 to 3 times (US vs SW). My point is that even something as seemingly complex as changing the way people drive is achievable.

$60 will only get you a used DSi (and not in the best of conditions) so no use waiting for the 3DS to reach that price anytime soon; not when it's selling like hotcakes. Heck, a decent Chinese emulator handheld costs more than $60.

You know what's harder? Switching from driving on the left side of the road to driving on the right side. That didn't stop Sweden from doing it... it even managed to briefly lower the number of accidents since everyone was driving extra carefully.

Who said .5 C is not used? I have seen it in the news. Granted, rounding is easier. That said, it would take a difference of at least 5C for me to notice anything. In the end, to each his own :)

With the transition to the x86-64 architecture, backward compatibility will make a comeback in the following generations of PSs and XBs. Their next fight will be against the Steam Machines (and their clones) so they will need all the help they can get in making their libraries as accessible as possible. I guess 4K

GT6 and its microtransactions will be here in less than 10 days.... will be interesting to see how the PS fans respond.

I ended up buying the same case (quite expensive in Japan) and it's great despite some minor drawbacks (cable management sucks and ODD placement makes it a nightmare to fit in a big PSU just to name a few).

I originally wanted to go with the Silverstone GD05

For me, the PS3 didn't become a must-own until June 2008; almost 2 years after its release so give it some time...

How about more storage? 1.25GB of usable space is not going to cut it if you want to store a few manga. The 3rd generation Kindle Keyboard had around 3GB of usable space for christsake.

Doubt they will... imagine how many lost sales that would cost them? Maybe we should start a petition?

He seems more natural to me. I love David Hayter and all but sometimes the voice seems a bit 'manufactured'.

I also don't think there is a way to change the system language from Japanese. I haven't dug deep inside the menus but haven't seen anything after a quick look. It only comes with a 100v power brick, too, but I don't imagine that would be a big issue.

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