
In one region of my country, there is a new charity organization that helps preserve food. All you have to do it inform them that you have a gathering, a wedding or whatnot and they will dispatch their volunteers to collect the leftovers. They will then separate the food and make it presentable before passing it to

They should start calling these with the Mark naming scheme:

Now playing

On the other hand, these aren't so great...

I was really wondering about this after reading Lesson 15 in the 日本語 2nd ステップ textbook 2 days ago. The title of the lesson is 「線路わきのやぎ」 and it begins like this:

「わたしの勤めている駅にはやぎの親子がいます。 この親子が線路わきの草を食べてくれるので、わたしたちは草刈をする必要がありません。」

The book was first published in 1993.

It's Debito, what did you expect?

Salmon roe, eww.

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Not directly related but saw this CM earlier today

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I hope it is better than YouTube's because I kinda dislike the way that looks.... especially at night as it gets all fuzzy and stuff.

Each platform has its strength and weaknesses. Different games appeal to different people so everything said in this regard is subjective. Many of the features you mentioned are software-based so each side can add them in the future. Gaikai and the Cloud are not coming to the PS4 at launch so you can't have it as a

I just used it this very moment; to ask it to define bellwether :)

Immersed? Not at all.

I vote that Sony get the rights to Pepsiman 2!

Or you can use a VPN?

I wonder if MGSVI or MGSVII will be Metal Gear 1/2 stories.

The lack of backward compatibility is a necessary evil resulting from the switch to the x86 platform. Both companies are not going to invest time and effort to emulate the old console. It's actually more beneficial for them to keep selling the older consoles.

Moving forward, I don't see any technical reasons why the

The PS4 is actually smaller than the XBO.

It is going to come out in Japan on August 30th.... yep, not late at all. Gotta work extra hard at avoiding those spoilers :/

It might looks similar but, as I've mentioned, it is like double the size. You can use the 2.5 HDD as a reference point. I actually first thought these were the internals of XBO but the fan was much smaller than I remembered from the Wired report so I checked the title again.