Mr. Pie!

Hmmm, I don't know who's playing, but he keeps trying to steer the car with the right stick, and for some reason it's driving me crazy. I might have some kind of OCD.

And just like that, the comment gets disapproved? Interesting. Double Standards? I'd really like to be able to delete my own comments. As it's obviously not suitable for this site, I don't want it here.

I didn't want to, but it had to be said... We all know it had to be said U_U

Why? If you cut off some of its legs and the tail, round up the shell a little

Aaaand, there... Add Shrimp and shrimp-like seafood to the list of things I cannot eat anymore. Seriously, THIS and those freakishly giant mutant-looking prawns/shrimps Gizmodo had a while ago (can't seem to find the URL now, and I'm not talking about the "BP Oil spill aftermath") just made me hate that kind of

I don't think so. Backing off from DRM means Microsoft cannot longer allow game sharing as intended... users won't be able to share downloaded games, for example.

hmm... It would seem as if Jimmy fallon was an old school gamer.. I mean, he totally double tapped jump "Sonic Style" to bash those enemies at the beginning of the ice level

Steam needs you to connect to license a game (download it, activate it, whatever) but then you can run offline mode for as long as you want. That IS true, and there's nothing there to argue about.

I want to agree with you, but Kinect, as it is right now, is like the previous version: All devs say it's interesting but none try to really take advantage of it. Did you watch the conference? Almost no reference at all to Kinect, even though there was some gameplay being shown. The only thing I recall hearing about

The thing is something like the Kinect should always be optional, especially when most of the games released for the first one have left most people not wanting it at all and in the end it's just not that interesting of a concept.

Honestly, I didn't find it fun, not at all... I mean, trying to replicate the first Xbox One event memes is NOT comedy. The conference was OK; not mind-boggling, but OK. Many great exclusive titles and some worthy news, so it's not really *that* mockable, at least not to the degree shown in the video, IMHO.

Amen to that. Fable 2 was somewhat "cool" but nothing compared to the original game. Fable 1 was just awesome: the story, the twists, the characters, the fresh gameplay... even the neverending loading screens were just right :)

Interesting, I was thinking Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil 4. Don't know why. :/ But yeah, Nico makes more sense now that I look at it.

I really don't know, but if you could do this in PGR3, in the actual game, I don't think Forza 5 is gonna fall too short from what you see in that shots

Don't worry, USB 3.0 got you covered. The drives are almost the same price as internal ones (maybe 10-20 extra bucks) and you don't need to remove the old drive, while at the same time you have a ton of bandwidth to max out the drive specs.

Amen to that, brother. I still have my copy here, and play it from time to time. I don't know what it is, because I don't actually like "Arcade" driving games, but I LOVE 2005's NFS: Most Wanted.

According to Google Images it's not likely. Image's been circulating since 2011. It could be his, but it could also be from one of the thousands out there claiming it's theirs :P

Hey, many Bothans died to bring us this information, don't take it so lightly dudes...

I've tried a couple of USB 3.0 drives myself, and I must tell, except for a basic toshiba 2.5-inch drive that had the same performance on USB 2.0, most units show quite an improvement over USB 3.0.

Well... there are USB 3.0 PCI-e controllers if you don't feel like upgrading your MoBo (and of course you've got a desktop computer...)