Mr. Pie!

I'm under the impression that Nintendo will "win E3" this year. The only thing MS had was SmartGlass, and Sony was all about The Last of Us and that Beyond game from Quantic Dream.

I was kidding ;)

Yep, I know the feeling. I was about to get myself a copy of FIFA 12, and suddenly it was all "FIFA 13" everywhere.... So, waste money, get FIFA12 and then get FIFA13 only 5 months later, of wait five long months to buy FIFA 13?

Haha, don't judge me! I'm a good person! Now, seriously, I overreacted, but you do see my point, don't you?

"The Watch Dogs trailer states that the blackout affected "55 million Americans across the Northeast". This is false."

I can understand, really, I do... For a citizen of the US, "American" means just that, and it's OK for small talk, but I also think that statement was disrespectful, and unappropriate.

Wait, what?

"The Northeast Blackout of 2003 affected 45 million Americans and 10 million Canadians. Canadians are not Americans."

What you need is called a PC...

Well..... some things come to mind:

I LOL'd, then I felt bad :S

I've come to realize the same freaking thing after owning an 11.6 inch Netbook and various laptops ranging from 15.4 to 17.3-inch. 11.6 inch is too small for most "important" stuff (browsing is still safe as long as your sight is OK) and anything above 15-inch is extremely large, and in my case, freaking heavy. I was

Welcome, brother, to the shortsighted Union.

Well, the cosplay is so good, at first I thought the head pic was an in-game shot... T_T I need glasses, now.

Gee, thanks, Internet.... Thank you for ruining ME. I just read "Skyrim Would Be Infinitely More Amazing If You Played As PedoBear"

He looks like he's saying "O, Hai!"

Replying for the sake of promoting this awesome comment :P

Well, as I have to test a new rig from ASUS I'll be installing and playing some heavy weights for PC. The Witcher 2, Battlefield 3, Crysis 1 & 2 (Crysis 1 is still among the most demanding games out there... damn) Metro 2033... And probably some other mainstream games to compare, such as AC: Revelations, Starcraft

.... cause Kate had the Cheeseburger... :$

Because not all people know about RAID, or they'd rather have a fast RAID 0 setup and can't afford a third one to do 0+1 :/