Mr. Pie!

I know it's my fault... When reading an article about Mass Effect it's almost a given that the comments will perspire Spoilers..... but, DAMN! Couldn't you put a little disclaimer? T_T Luckily your spoiler is not that much revealing :/

It DOES make it disgusting to his eyes and that's what he's expressing, his own, personal opinion, not anyone else's. Besides the point that "Wrong" doesn't have to specifically mean "inmoral". It's wrong (to him) for its possible unhealthy effects. Also disgusting; it's a term used for "morally offensive" stuff, but

"And don't worry about responding because I will be ignoring you all from now on. You aren't even worth my time."

Honestly... I'm not even gonna bother promoting Wolftech's comment, but I find it amusing that he's trying to make a speech about how important freedom is, by telling you to shut the f*ck up, because "you have zero right to complain"..... way-to-go.

OK, this is officially a meme

Yep, I think that's the issue. I've had some graphires, an intuos 2, and a bamboo. This last one is a bit rougher, but I still don't feel comfortable. However.... I just sketch, scan, and then I do the inking and coloring digitally :)

Inking is a thousand times better (easier) on digital than on paper. However I can't sketch on a wacom at all. It's beyond impossible for me, and I don't know why.

Absolutely, the fallout will have a bigger impact than the actual "event".

"lil punk" ? seriously? oh, golly.

Nah, Internet is an icecold bit**. One minute you're "on top", the next day not even google remembers you. Most probably by the age he can understand all this mess everything will be long forgotten. Hyperlinks tend to die.

Buddy, don't worry about his mental health, since there was no mental health left when all this started.. The guy is absolutely NUTS, a big ass megalomaniac. If the guy had gotten some help, he'd have been diagnosed as a mythomaniac. His lies are bigger than him.

It's called aging, pal... Terrible? I think he looks OK for his 63 years...

Don't worry, they're not sorry :)

OK, let me put it this way, would you rather trust Cortana, or this guy here?

You know...... Cortana is not a teenager anymore. Things change, gravity works its way... and well.... stuff tends to.... hang.

Gotta admit...... nerd has some moves, yo. They were expecting some lame sidestepping, and got a crazy backflip. The whole room was like "whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?"

Nov 18th..... That's my birthday, it's a signal, I MUST buy a Wii U :x

The same happened to me when I found out Luke and Owen Wilson were brothers...... no, really...

Absolutely not. In fact, they are usually sold alive. At least here... Then they are dropped in boiling water, still alive...