He wants the whale penis under his ass because that's what he thinks it means to have class.
He wants the whale penis under his ass because that's what he thinks it means to have class.
Clitoral ablation has many benefits as it clears the mind during adolescence and makes for better mothers and spouses. Studies done by Egyptian and Nigerian medical scientists have confirmed the health redeeming value of these traditional hygiene practices.
I call a cock-and-bull story, these testy birds have no visible testicles, are we to believe this would even appear in the necropsy report?
Because as every menstruating adolescent girl knows, only good vaginas are ever visited by 'big ol' St. Nick'! (This is the creepily, phallically, Weiner-worthy implication is it not?)
Motorcycles and menstrual cycles are similar in that they are clearly both dangerous and require regulation.
The complex lady in the mirror
Your a French aristo and didn't notice Ms. Beck wrote "Le petit candy thief" when she should have said "La petite" (?)—this causes me to question your pedigree as well as your parole.
Exactly, you can't be world-wise, which is necessary for a major politician, and also remain a monogamous spouse.
Well, at least he was being refreshingly honest.
Punitive justice just means legally punishing someone for doing something illegal, all laws and all legal systems entail some form of punitive justice; assuming you knew all this, what kind of "justice" would you have replace punitive justice (would it be, for example, some form of restorative justice under all/most…
What the hell are you talking about–Sartre is dead and buried philosophically as well as literally. You meant to say someone read Agamben and can't wait etc. etc...
A society that truly (subjective) and wisely (less-subjective) cares for itself, does it through the implementation of universal contributive social protections, namely and principally, a genuine shared health-care system.
"The Indian describes himself as a man; monkeys are little men; I was a thing; but the Paraguayans are Christians, and that is the lowest degree of all." Keep in mind that your perspective represents but the most fractional sliver of the variety of human perspectives across space and time—learn to explore the inner…
"I'm going to have to confiscate your monkey sir, it bit me and that's all the reason I need."
During the last days of the Vandal kingdom of Carthage the barbarians, grown decadent in the presence of all the wealth and luxury of Africa, were woefully unprepared to meet General Belisarius and his determined legions...knowing that their hold on Carthage was doomed they rushed the shores en masse, laden with the…
Gawker is the reflection cast by a used copy of the Daily Mail on a puddle of drain water.
What's the role of the US State Department in your operation, spasibo!