
Seems like there’s a little perspective drawing that maybe help’s a little:

Some older Toyotas had this too.  It’s a great feature and for the life of me I can’t understand why manufacturers don’t bring this back permanently.

“no one seemed to complain about it.”

Haha, I asked the exact same question. Why would they ever know? There is no check box on the insurance form for “Is or has your car ever been infested with mold?”

How or why would an insurance company ever know your car had/has mold in it?

Mold and mildew cleaner is $5 for a bottle. Buy a roll of paper towels and get to scrubbing. Toss in a few moth balls and let it sit for a week and the mold will be gone. Mold is easy to get rid of, I’ve had to do it twice.

Ryan there’s a motherfucking severed animal head RIGHT THERE dude 

Look at all his majesty. Those peasants in their thatched roof cottages don’t stand a chance.

It’s kind of like the Samsung bonus feature where phones would “spontaneously explode”.  It’s not really about the usefulness of the feature, so much as it just makes life a little more exciting.  Kind of like getting a tattoo on your face.

I got a 1976 Cobra II V8 used in 1980. 

Here ya go!

Well, look at YOU, with your fancy ‘rational business plans’ and your ‘basic common sense’. La-de-da, some kind of genius here says selling a product will make money! Whatever, you clearly don’t share FF’s vision!

Based on the “hella stanced” cars at H20i, My bet is lowes

Lol You hit it.

That made me laugh. Thank you

El Camry-NO!

Probably had an LS 400 with nice wheels and you know, suspension.

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude

All I’m saying, regardless of the motivation behind the decision, if a restaurant refused service to an Obama official you guys would lose your collective minds. Don’t start with the “Obama never threw children in cages” because those photos were taken during his presidency.