
“Everybody comes to Rick’s Cantina.”

Immigration lawyer Andrew Free:

I’m so stoked high wasted jeans are making a comeback. There’s just something about that look.

Tesla drivers can also accessorise with one of these!

Since when does NTSB investigate every goddamn car accident?

The sad thing is that this is the 200th time this particular groundhog has died this particular way.

Whenever anything like this happens all I can think is,

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.

I worked at Radio Shack back in the ‘80s, and many of the car stereos we sold came with the vertical faceplate and dial for X-cars right in the box.

So I said to Grant, “What’s the deal with the wing?” And he said, “I guess I never thought about it.” “Never thought about?? You’ve got this big honking airfoil sticking off the back. You may as well glue feathers to it and call it a duck. It’s not a duck, is it, Grant?” “No, it’s not a duck, Jerry.” “Well, it just

That is kind of sad-this is really sad

All that money & the seller didn’t even say that he knows what he has? How gullible!


Dammit, I already sent him a check for $2500 plus another $1000 for shipping. He seemed like a nice guy...

More like “Ben and Jerry’s co-founder arrested for being an irritating asshole.

Cancelled my reservation for next week with Enterprise, and now Avis has my business. Also renewed my NRA membership today as well.

For that kind of cash, I’ll go US legal, BMW turbo Diesel power.

Or for twice that in San Francisco.