
I see them listed at fairly reasonable prices. I’m thinking of one for a weekend cruiser.

But that is an Acura, not a fake Ferrari. This however is a fake Ferrari

Just don’t get caught catting around. It might give you paws for thought.

You wouldn’t be lion to us would ya?

If you’re calm, that wonderous big cat will be calm too. But if you’re scared, that beautiful death machine will do what God made it to do, namely, eat you with a smile on its face.

Go get ‘em, Tiger!

The (former) Gawker and its sites have pretty consistently put forth a message that wealthy people are evil. The notable exceptions are wealthy celebrities that espouse liberal views, regardless of whether said celebrities do more than just talk about the issues or not.

That’s fine since it’s their prerogative to have

Didn’t even read it. Saw ‘10 year Expedition for $8500' and my mind was made up. Don’t care who owned it, what mods were made. CP.

It was a beautiful serve.

I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the Model ARRR to get that feature.

Was typing this same thing before I noticed this post. Co-signed.

I still don’t really understand why trucks aren’t diesel-electrics like locomotives are. And as impractical as a hydrogen infrastructure is, I still say it makes way more sense than a battery-electric long-haul semi that probably needs to waste at least half of its load capacity just to carry its “fuel”, even with the

I love the racism you enthusiastically express.
Obama was invited many times by Bill O’Rielly, but he was to chicken shit to appear.

Wait, are you saying climate change alarmists took some normal non-critical issue and blew it out of proportion to illustrate how terrible Global Warming is because there are no actual examples of it? According to Bill Nye the Undergraduate mechanical engineering guy you should be jailed.

Amazing how times have changed...

$38 grand? Might as well be asking a brazilian dollars for it.

First things first. that picture is NOT a 15 year old... maybe when he was 10.

I see what you did there...

More so than that, it has been “sexed up” like a 55 y.o. woman who has just become a grandma and is desperately trying to relive her youth. But her glory days were the 90's and she can’t compete with even the 40 y.o. women who at least have some idea of what sexy is in the 21st century.