
I’m an old fart so I am totally blown away that you can get 512 Gigabytes on a piece of plastic smaller than my thumbnail for 110 bucks.

I’m an old fart so I am totally blown away that you can get 512 Gigabytes on a piece of plastic smaller than my

Sounds great...but you know that there’s going to be a “Yeah, but...” with this vehicle, what do you think the misstep will be?

And the crows goes “meh”.

How many potential Tesla buyers (serious ones, not guys with a picture taped to their cubicle) are going to scrap their plans to buy because of this?

No. Next question?

So, basically a Space Force makes sense, just not when Trump suggests it.


We are expecting up to four inches of snow. Naturally this brings out the best in us as we prepare to face this as a community...oh, who am I kidding? We are in full panic mode. I saw two guys having a knife fight in the Safeway parking lot over the last can of pork and beans.
I’m proud to say that I’m prepared

No, U!

“I know what I’ve got.”

The Veyron is just stupid.

Why the fuck didn’t Thanos just halve the birth rate?

Why won’t they respond to e-mails?  Fuck You, that’s why.

I can’t tell if that damn thing is coming or going!

I bought a cop scanner a few years ago. I was listening to it late Christmas night. I heard an ambulance call:

Welcome to Hollywood.

No.  Next question?

My old Ford Explorer had four front sun visors. When you put the main visor sideways to block the east/west sun, there was another little sun visor still facing front.

A LOT of stories don’t make the nightly news, slugger.