
Oh, you mean like when Newsweek sat on the Bill Clinton/Lewinsky story and they got scooped by Matt Drudge?

The Fast And The FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I’m a suucker for SAAB’s.

I nearly gave myself a concussion from smacking my forehead so hard.

You’re all racists for thinking what we think you’re thinking!

Think of how much crack you can hide in that center gauge box! Almost enough to get me to buy this.

That’s cool...I remember LOTS of Democrat politicians saying that it was patriotic to pay taxes.

El Camryno?

If your plan was to get The Public to be sympathetic to your side, you may have miscalculated.


“unpacking the day’s worth of traitorous bigotry and naked malfeasance issuing from the maw of Donald Trump

If it no longer has Lucas Electrics, I’m in.

Aw, but I just went and bought a new pitchfork and torch combo on Amazon.

Translation:  The bribe envelopes were a little light.

Whoa there, Rusty...stop trying to hi-hat us with your blizzard of technical terms!

It works, but make sure you have a really good wifi signal.

It works, but make sure you have a really good wifi signal.

I’m sold on (running) convertibles right now, so if it runs and drives, I’m in. Unless this is a flood survivor, then I’m out like parachute pants.

You can have a life with a vehicle like that. I’d drive it until the wheels fell off.

I understood that reference.