
I had a 1982 Audi 4000 5+5 (5 cylinder engine, 5 speed manual). I liked it and I know I would love the hell out of this, but that’s just too damn much $$$. Not quite CP, more like water pipe.

Which Top Gear Brit named Chris is the one to avoid?

It’s only five hundred bucks, you cheap bastards! Use it for a damn lawn decoration if you don’t want to fix it up right.

No AC for 9.5K? That deal is too damn hot.

Usually, I’d go for it, but I have enough “little fix-its” to do on the cars I already have and am in the process of not doing them.

I think I’d rather have a kit car with a twin turbo Chevy V8 that the real thing. I’d be too afraid to really push it lest I cause $20,000 worth of damage everytime I redline it.

You young kids will never understand how groundbreaking and mind-blowing that video seemed to us the first time it ran. All these years later, it’s still damn good.

I wrote something, but I can’t delete it, so I’ll just replace it with this.

I’ll take “designated tax write off” for $500, Alex.

(GASP!) A beer! What other debauchery will these Bohemians indulge in, dancing? The horror!

This has always been one of my favorite old cars. I feel no shame in admitting it.

Damn, son.

This isn’t some clickbait headline i.e. “You’ll NVER believe what they found in Robby Gordon’s house!

Fuck these things. They look terrible.

Fuck these things. They look terrible.

Plasti-Dip works pretty darn good.

Instead of being Friendzoned, you can be Thanosed.

My old Volvo 850 has it. Looks like a single brake light staying lit.

My 1979 Toyota Dolphin RV still has shag carpet.

I love mini-RVs. I have one parked in my driveway...I would love this like a corgi puppy. But sixty-eight thousand dollars? Hell no.

Oh, shit...gimme gimme gimme!