
You gave me quite a lift with that one.

I clicked on it because I was bored. I was not expecting a “tsk-tsk” sermon.

I love this car, but I will always pronounce it “Muria”.

It looks like something from a Stephen King Dark Tower alternate reality. I’m going to have to leave this baby parked next to the Takuro Spirit.

Are they made from real Dodgers?

Maybe you’re not ready for a track day, bud.

Love this car, but I think it would be less daunting to keep a Concorde flying.

When you use a Comcast router for “public access”, you have to sign in using your Comcast ID and password, and it’s as though you’re connected to your home network. All traffic is on your record. It is completely seperate from the other user.

Wrap it up, I’ll take it.

Here. This is where my glorious mustache shall be someday.

Is boxier than Volvo, swanker than Lamborghini (tractor) and more unreliable than Yugo! Zil, top of line in Communist motorvations!

Did somebody set out to make the most anti-Jalopnik car possible? if so, congrats, you fucking did it!

They have an oil-burning robot and a squeegee.

That’s what she said!

All them danglin’ wires are giving me the heebie jeebies.

It’s got an old York A/C self-oiling compressor. If you don’t want the A/C, you can use it for a sweet air compressor set up.

I had one of was one of my all-time favorites. Built like a goddamn tank. A lady ran a red light and T-boned me in it. I still drove it and spent the insurance settlement on laser-eye surgery.

The first rule of Sleeper Club is that you don’t stick a buch of decals and placards indicating that it’s a sleeper.

What about The Vertigo Strikes Back?

Shine on, you crazy diamond.