
Why do you guys always bring up shit that happened over 500 years ago whenever a bombing happens TODAY?

Why are they allowed to do that while other cars can’t?

G’Dub hasn’t been President for seven years. This is from Barack Hussein Obama. Please update your records.

I’ve always liked these. Too good to say no to.

I see what you did there.

I bought myself a police scanner for Christmas. I listened to it on Christmas Eve. At about 4:00 in the morning I heard this call:

YES! Hell, yessssss!

I had an ‘82 Audi 4000 5+5 (5 Cylinder, 5 Speed). It’s bassically the same drive train in a 4 door. I liked it OK, but that ship has sailed. Even the digital dash can’t justify it.


That would look great sitting on blocks in the driveway!


It’s a nice car...but you have to use a calendar to chart your 0 to 60 time.


It’s only $2,500 bucks, you cheap bastards. Play around with it, fix a few things, drive it, then re-sell it.

Well, I’m bready for it.

If I had a teenage daughter, I’d get it for her...otherwise, VES-BAH!

I’m sorry, but this looks like a newly divorced 50+ year-old mom trying to show that she can still PAR-TAY with the kids.

Have Swarovski crystals ever been considered a “classy” item or have they always been Russian Mobster Girlfriend Bling?

I was hoping that when they opened it, the two lab guys would have been replaced by sentient apes or dinosaurs.

WRONG! Every problem I have is directly or indirectly related to lack of money.