
Speaking of heart disease, I’m pretty okay with deporting the sugar lobby to Syria.

I streamed a bunch of Parts Unknown and Google stalked my ex.

So they ARE working.

Three Men and a Baby and Fentanyl.

Incorrect. Per the quote, D-Money, Smoothie, and Shifty are interested in the womb of a single young white girl. I cannot say if they all impregnated her in turn, or if it’s turned into a delightful romcom as they try to raise a baby of uncertain parentage together. (“He’s got D-Money’s eyes, Smoothie’s nose, and

...named D-Money, Smoothie, and Shifty.

My ex had a recipe for Proposition Chicken. She made it for me one evening and, sure enough, chicken was on the ballot the following November.

Google confirms that Pareene used the word “sports” once.

I’m conflicted about this in a lot of ways. First and foremost, yes, I think it’s actually really valuable to have an outlet like NYMag—haven of mildly enlightened aspirational living—aggressively explore alternative models of masculinity. OTOH, I suspect they wouldn’t want to do it if the finacelings didn’t want to

As others have pointed out, Skywalker is so absurdly common a surname, there are even large landholdings in central Marin County with that name.

Mild digression: there MUST be an illustration for this behavior that doesn’t explicitly legitimate the MRA “white knight” canard.

Great point. Peyton Manning is a known enemy of the House of Saud. They would stop at nothing to bring him down.

I’m not sure how or why, but I nonetheless have the feeling this post made Hamilton angry about something.

To make love on the Space Shuttle... to a space prostitute.

Good point, but I always assumed there was a lot more going on than was shown on screen. The Death Star is, after all, no moon, but a battle station, and it's stores of fighters should easily go into the high 10s.

Moreover, I was under the impression there were other squadrons providing suppression, who presumably left way ahead of Wedge, Luke, and whoever was in the Y-Wing (presumably Jek Porkin's twin brother Tek).