
Things that were fantastic this season:
- Every single time they let Brittany Curran chew scenery
- “Oops I Did It Again”
- Actually, everything up to “Oops” was pretty solid! In retrospect, the promise of the first half of the season is why I put up with the second half.
- Penny as Dean and the quintessentially shitty

Does Rodenberry’s utopian vision allow for a goddamn BART extension at last?

Fun fact: boats that push barges are often somewhat counterintuitively called “towboats”.

Are they the kind of “political group” that is exempt from Federal Do Not Call Registry action?

Of course you can get vineyard signs, only they will read “FUCK THE ANTHEM GET ME OUT OF HERE BEFORE I BURN TO DEATH”.

I had a friend who grew up in Gettysburg dodging occasional ass-kickings from Stars-and-Bars-adorned pickup owners. Y’know, Gettysburg, that place where the South INVADED THE NORTH.

(He told me that, since that much irony was already lost on them, he wasn’t even going to try with how they usually pummeled him to the

There are. Chief among these is the fact that the VA, being underfunded, often makes vets prove—sometimes via a lawyer—that their injuries were service-connected before providing coverage. You know what would totally obviate that issue? Single payer, where it wouldn’t matter what caused a vet’s injuries.

On Saturday, I met up with some friends right at Van Ness and Market, and was told by the first three groups that passed us to get to Steiner, it’s going on there; to hurry up to 24th and Mission, where there were running battles with white supremacists; and that Civic Center was empty and was going to be a tinderbox.

I have sympathy for the idea of “punch a Nazi.” I’m made nervous by “punch anyone who may at any point have stood near a Nazi.” Both because (a) that person may not have been bright enough to figure out why others associate far-right “free speech” rallies with white supremacy, and (b) that person may HAVE been bright

Seriously, Patrick, stop fucking around and listen to that Hamilton biography already.

Yeah, but the baby animals are engaged in running street battles against fascists.

While I’m not sure if today’s antifa in Berkeley are college kids or what, there DID used to be a bunch of skinheads and affiliated Nazis that would show up at punk shows in the ‘90s, and generally speaking only went away because they got punched too often. So I suspect for some of these kids, it’s a little more

Valuing Honey Dijon ahead of Jalapeno and Salt & Pepper is why we lost the white working class.

If supposedly progressive publications like this persistently ignore and marginalize Chili Lime, we’re just handing the movement right back to the Clintons.

You historians and your fucking elegaic opening music.

Haha you poseur, I stopped taking my mood stabilizers on NYE and I immediately dropped 20 pounds and still have the energy to run a marathon. Also, I am Genghis Khan, terror of nations.

This is a gentle reminder that, round where Google’s from, Pacifica is mostly known for inexorably collapsing into the ocean.

Ya know what, I’m sick of this shit. Hit us with the blood libel all you like but you do NOT blame us for Travis fucking Kalanick.

Grew up on the slopes of Mt. Tam. Seen this from East Peak many a time, and agreed—you don’t need timelapse. But you do need a sweater.

Speaking as a Giants fan, the boys did exactly what we’ve been expecting of them: lost a complete game.