
@Shadowlayer: I dont play Angry Birds, I play Chaos Rings and Espgaluda 2. And you came across as just as much of a douchebag/idiot, if not more so, with your original post.

Considering that the iPhone 3gs processor alone is faster than both of the processors in the 3DS combines (never mind the iPhone 4), yeah...


It's always good to see a developer taking the time to make a game as good as it needs to be. It's also good to see a publisher that allows it.

It's made more for the Farmville crowd than the WoW crowd? I hope they have a really clever pricing scheme for this thing, as in "way less expensive than an iPad."

The new iPod Touches that came out last month include the same cameras as the iPhone 4, so for a (mostly) casual gaming device on the go that also supports video chatting and 720p HD recording, it's not a bad purchase.

This news brings a tear to our eye!

List under "things that make you go BUH".

Thank goodness. I bought the Sonic Adventure port to XBLA against everyone's advice, only to discover that not only did they not change ANYTHING, but there are bugs that didn't exist a decade ago. I'm getting stuck in walls and shit. Very disappointing.


@Mujah: I meant a criminally underappreciated gem. Which is brilliant.

TWEWY is a brilliantly underappreciated gem. Grab it.

What a gloriously British comment from the Top Gear bloke. Bless him.

Could they, for once, make some box art for one of these things that actually looks good instead of showing off how much stuff you're getting? The HD PS3 re-issues, the Orange Box, and this. Come on, people.

Uh... What?

This actually seems like a pretty fair way to balance cost and demand. Also determines whether or not the demand will be worth the cost. Here's to hoping many people will want and support Pro mode!


@Manly McBeeferton: True, but at least the core titles for the series have been consistently TOTALLY FREAKIN' AWESOME! =D

@Polite Society: Agreed. A follow-up to Bloodlines would be AMAZING.