
Good Christ, this review was basically a bunch of social justice complaints.

How do you know the books aren’t going in the same direction? I think they are.


Yeah but it’s not global warming, it was a villain controlling an army. And every big battle has ended with a definitive defeat.

Or, who really cares about ice zombie’s background?

WHINERS. He didn’t drop the ball, this wasn’t a “battle” episode where you get to see sweet fight moves. This was a horror movie, straight up. I’m sure the last battle will have plenty of nicely shot fight scenes for the old ladies who can’t tell what’s happening.

waaah, me want more killing in my dragon show

You suck.

Yeah right dude, you know how fucking long comedians work on an hour of material? These guys crank out several hour’s worth a week. You dont know what you’re talking about.

So why didn’t every writer of buddy cop movies in the 80s sue everyone else? Generic’s generic, son.

Are you white? Racist.

Why do I feel like all the kinja complainers about Tyson are white women? Seems like a bunch of latent racism to me.

Thank god we have women who know nothing about the actual case here to pass fucking judgement. Fuck YOU, asshole.

Absolutely. And you being big and black..if that makes someone uncomfortable then fuck them. It’s their fault, not yours. Their feelings are bullshit and no one should care about them.

Fuck that, how stupid.

Well you just made me feel attacked, even though you might not have meant to. So apologize.

He had promised not to kill Tyrion, not Arya. So be scared until the end my friend!

I remember he said he wouldn’t kill Tyrion...don’t recall him saying that about Arya. You may need to be worried!

Oh noes, someone on the internet is mad about a tv show!

Except she’s the lead villain of the show, her natural endpoint should be the climax. They’re doing correctly, she got everything now, so she’s going to double cross everyone. As a villain will do.