Everytime I see him, I think of this again:
Everytime I see him, I think of this again:
But Valve was not developing this game. Taito was. They seemed to have done a pretty decent job with Half-Life 2: Survivor. Don't know what happened with this game.
No idea lol, it was a GIF that I found on neogaf
I live in Canada and I want to order this headset from the US Amazon site as it's actually cheaper then the Canadian site. I'm just worried about if it will even get sent to my house or not. Could someone help me out please
I understand where your coming from. I still use mame and many other emulators for several games and upload them on youtube and twitch all of the time.
Naw man, if you played the XBLA version. You'd understand that MAME can't really help you with that game.
I'm really sick of devs not adding splitscreen support for PC games. Big Picture Mode is utilized very well on Steam...
It's a place called Lovegety Station. It's in Markham Ontario, and it's address is: 505 hwy commerce gate unit 60. I have a video that I made from earlier this year that talks about the place and what games they have, etc:
In Markham, Ontario. 505 hwy commerce gate unit 60
If you said Canada. Then yes. Otherwise, I can't help you.
What pisses me off the most is that this is a full on sequel and not a spin-off in the series..
Any word if Gamefly gives you a Steam key for buying Skullgirls on their site?
Hey!! You leave us Ice Climbers alone lol.
"Just take your ass outside" LOL. That was quite funny.
The company didn't make the game. But alot of the important guys from Tribute did in work on Scott Pilgrim vs the world.
Worry not, the game has been confirmed in a Pac-Man collection. Which is coming out next month apparently on Steam and other platforms.