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Does it run in 60 FPS?

Amen bro. I'm not buying an Xbox One to play this game. They didn't even confirm if it will even run in 60FPS.

Hold your panties. A PC port is coming out later on this year apparently.

Ruff ruff..

They're going to be making a PC version of this game too. I wonder how nice it will look. Still hoping that MGS5 comes out on PC as well..

Ever heard of the PS3?

No wonder Nintendo is doing ID Content Claims on Youtube now.

The mods make up for the game. Full 1080p with 60 FPS. And if you got a controller to use. PS3 or Xbox 360. There should be no problems at all whatsoever.

I don't own any credit to this. But this by far wins.

That's because the arcade scene is just so much better down there then it is for us here and Japan prefers to go out and play their games then stay their ass at home and play.

With that $8 bucks. I'd rather buy the SNES Cartridge instead. Fucking crazy Nintendo.

Nothing else more needs to be said then this..

I ate one of these for the first time when I was 12 at the time and I was so disappointed. I always wanted to try them from when I was younger and when I finally did. The taste of the icing did not go well with me at all.

Great, now Activision can make more money..

I'm pretty certain that Crysis 3/Battlefield 3 and more to come, didn't make it to the Wii U because EA is still butthurt about Nintendo not allowing them to use Origin as their Online Service for the system.

As much as I want it to happen. Sony has confirmed that it's not going to happen anytime from now.

Delusional idiot is delusional.