
can I suggest a alternative DCAU!!! they do great story telling great actors, we wouldn't have a repeat of that awful lantern suit and most importantly the budget would be .low so they would make the money back.

I like whenwhite peoplelist how xmany haddock friends they have okay good for you, did you opress any of them today? no then you get a cookie!! there is a difference between ignorance and racsism. like when I go to a country western bar and people stare shocked I listen to that type of music Ignorant. when the

little known fact about ben affleck he is a superman fan. I think he does solid work as adirector and as a writer he would keep out grounded story. aslong as he doesn't try to play flash and he put in some martian manhunter and hawk girl. And no origin stories. NO ORIGINS NO!!!!

I agree who doesn't know the origin story of superman.

Andy is Awesome!!

It makes his wife appreciate him more. .:)

I thik it was kinda crappy for the movie to kill to face. Two Face should have got his own movie.

Can I say I ask not excited about the new batman. The last one was to preachy and navel gazing introspective and I can't shake the feeling this should have been two faces movie.

Yes he was the creator, of the show and write the last season of the show.

Star Trek needs to be left alone. The last movie was just a mess. It was irrational over emotional and a watered down bland mess. I say that as a Trekker who has watched every star trek movie and tv show. Not all was gold but that at least had a point if view and a goal.'s not hipster to hate jj abrams. I have

Omg. Someone who feels the same way I do about that crappy movie. Just watch the next generation its so much better.

SO Awesome so ready to take this journey with her because this what it is a journey.

Lol. Fine I won't.

My question is is it Sci fi.

First Daredevil is AWESOME (in a lets laugh at everything and quotes the movie in a raspy voice) kind of way.

Is it bad that i voted for the other choice automatically if I liked the first choice?

Boomerang was DANGED funny dude.

Yeah But Bill Cosby said it was the worst movie ever and went on the Letterman Show and told people not to go see it and picked up his Razzie for it in person. GO BILL!!

Sorry can't I agree with you in that one. star wars is awesome.

I use it as well as post apocalyptic ipod.