Your butt can't make a profitable video game if its life depended on it.
Your butt can't make a profitable video game if its life depended on it.
"the only value it has comes from the person's perspective"
The shadows look improved. Lighting might also be better, a bit hard to tell without a side-by-side comparison(and I'm too lazy to launch the game on the 3DS just to check this).
It does affect the experience, otherwise no one would bother customizing their character and devs wouldn't bother allowing customization. And it feels shitty to be cheated out of a few extra customization options just because the developers wanted to accommodate a cheap moneymaking scheme into their game.
My point is that microtrasanctions, more often than not, don't just reduce the grind for people willing to pay, but also increase the grind for people who don't want to pay. It wouldn't bother me as much if this wasn't the case, but that rarely happens.
On you. I wanted the alternative skin colors for my pawn but there we go, 'harmless' microtransactions got in the way of that. Pretending that this is just optional and has no real negative effect on the game is stupid. It's put there to try and grab easy cash, and it always affects a portion of the game, small as it…
The RC-bought items in DD were ridiculously expensive. Yes, they were purely aestethic items, but ridiculously expensive nonetheless. Which is my point really, any items that can be obtained in the game that are also available through microtransations are almost always stupid hard to obtain without paying. If DD had…
No, I'm not.
It usually does end up affecting the game design, by making things harder to obtain so that people will have an incentive to go with the microtransactions. It also tends to make games more centered on obtaining random loot.
I'll take the Vita version for the larger screen/resolution, improved performance and, most importantly, dual analogs. If we do get MH4 on WiiU with cross compatibility I'll just get an extra copy for my 3DS. :p
Just tax idiocy, that'll solve your economic woes forever.
I'm a baby-eating illuminati demon, and I can confirm this guy knows what he's talking about.
They made a mistake that could have been corrected without the need of a DMCA request, it's not really what I would consider a dickish move by any stretch of the imagination.
It doesn't seem like they did it maliciously, so no, I don't quite agree. This whole campaign wasn't riding on that game, nor is that particular game the reason people are supporting it.
What I wonder is if whoever owns the rights to that game even bothered to contact them first to tell them they weren't ok with the footage being there. Cause if they didn't, then they're still dicks.
Probably, in terms of sales.But other developers and smaller publishers have a much, much better shot at getting out there and being successful. Games like Amnesia, Chivalry and Natural Selection 2 would have never stood a chance if they had tried to get published on a console.
It's not really subjective. Open platforms give developers freedom. Closed platforms don't. In a closed platform with high licensing and certification fees, publishers are king, and the industry has to answer to a bunch of people who have no interest in gaming other than making wads of cash. It's as simple as that.
It doesn't. You don't have to upgrade any more often than consoles do. Games will still run fine. Very few AAA games target the higher end of the spectrum. Games typically target the middle, with higher end users getting optional benefits. Upgrading is nowhere near essential for the PC gamer, it's nowhere even near…
The point is that you still get all the benefits from an open platform, which is where the meat of PC gaming is, not in being able to have "the latest and greatest", which you will still be able to have should you choose to, although maybe in more incremental steps.
I'm going to quote myself from a few posts above.