It's a very petty, unreasonable critique. I'm allowed to point that out.
It's a very petty, unreasonable critique. I'm allowed to point that out.
I don't think it matters. If the final game is awesome, people will play it, regardless of whether notch showed off videos too early without context.
"Worse than simply being garbage, it's downright negative publicity for his own game, which sounds cool on paper."
He didn't claim "we nailed it". He said that FTL, a different game, made by other people, nailed 'that kind of emergent aspect' from Firefly, and he's aiming for something similar.
Ghandi was racist, yo.
Essentially, the difference is that he's gone full retard. And you never go full retard.
Think of it this way. Justin Bieber could do a cover of All Along The Watch Tower, and you wouldn't have to listen to it. Still would be pretty damn hard not to rage at the travesty tho. Same thing here.
It makes it easier for them to get rid of commenters. IIRC, that's the problem Denton was trying to solve when he came up with this new system, that bothersome "communities" had formed around his network like a plague of cockroaches and they had to be eliminated.
"Welcome to our new, awful discussion system"
Relevant. Ish.
That was not my leg.
Well, according to the Nintendo Channel, the Wii Fit averages 24.1 hours of total gameplay time per person. That's only counting people who submitted their data to the Nintendo Channel, which is about 1.4 million people according to my quick math.
The article is wrong. Reggie's argument has no weight because they have hardly tried to satisfy the hardcore audience in the past six years. The few things they did right were actually pretty well received. He just has no idea what he's talking about. And Totilo isn't helping by using ridiculously bad examples of the…
Just an estimate.
I think what he means is that the alternate ending would no longer be their story.
The audience that bought wii fit got bored of it a few weeks into the purchase and threw it in the closet. That same audience is now useless to nintendo because it has moved on to the next shiny thing: apple products. They won't come back for a wii fit 2. That's why catering to a difficult but passionate audience has…
If the next gen consoles can't run that at a smooth 60fps, then I would rather wait another few years...