
That’s just the distrust, anger and depression talking.....

Buck up, pal. One day the sun will shine and you’ll see one on the lot and it’ll all be better.... until you see the price tag just before some smug fuck of a Youtuber buys it with Daddy’s Credit Card.

On that day, we’ll take turns curbstomping him.

Going a little fast there, buddy. Where’s the fire? *Points back at police officer’s car.

When Facebook (edit) Figuratively burns to the ground, I’ll do a happy dance on their ashes.

The Root is just 1 click away.

The driver in the car..... “WHAT THE FUCK YOU FILMING IN PORTRAIT FOR”

AT&T: We Can't Keep Subsidizing Your Phones...

What a load of garbage.

Kyle, you're arguing that people should have taken a stick with no promise of a carrot in the future. Did Microsoft ever say anything about making games cheaper as a result of these policies? Anywhere? There is no reason for anyone to have just accepted this DRM in exchange for the hope that maaaaaaaybe Microsoft will

I was thinking similar thoughts. Like how about a cancer vaccine .