Judging by the number of people I've heard express surprise at what a good speaker Obama is (not appreciation, mind you; actual surprise), it really doesn't shock me that "speaking properly" is considered a white trait.
Judging by the number of people I've heard express surprise at what a good speaker Obama is (not appreciation, mind you; actual surprise), it really doesn't shock me that "speaking properly" is considered a white trait.
Wait, what? Babies as fashion accessories? Since when do people spend months on 60% or less than the sleep that they need for a fashion accessory? That's silly. Having babies and caring for them is hard, the hardest thing I've ever done. Yes, I dress my child in clothes I think are really adorable because I like it,…
Aw, so cute! I love the turquoise dress the best. It's one of my favorite colors.
Oh, a fashion example. Okay, I suppose that works, apology-wise. I was kinda specifically asking for music videos, but that works, too. I didn't know what you were referring to with the collaboration thing because I didn't see that article. Thanks for the reply.
Right. That's what I said. The pow-wow was wrong.
Whose artistic collaboration are you referring to??
Isn't that another example of when it was done wrong? I was asking for the opposite. I wanted examples of artists who didn't do it wrong. We have the Miley Cyrus example in the article of how to do it wrong, so to illustrate the difference, I wanted artist/song/video examples of artists who appreciate and are inspired…
I am a little bit younger than that, but that could be a factor. Some stuff that annoys me it's hard for me to tell if I'm just easily annoyed or if it's annoying. Like the latest thing is that I put a shelf outside my baby's bedroom door. If I need to leave the room, I can put any food on it so that I don't have to…
I didn't either until I had a child. It was weird. I never felt that "OMG SO CUTE" that I would get when looking at puppies. Little kid clothes always left me cold. Then I had a child and it all changed. I'm not saying that will happen to you. You're a different person. I'm just saying, sometimes the way that you…
I put a raincoat on my child for eating time. It does a great job of catching most of the food, and there are so many adorable ones. I gave up on bibs because he hated having anything around his neck, but I found the raincoat worked so much better, which is sort of a shame because tons of people gave me bibs that I'm…
LOL, you know, since I had a baby, I pretty much look like crap all the time, I'm sure. I don't really know because I literally will go 3 days at a time without looking in the mirror. My kid on the other hand, he usually looks adorable! But he's where all my attention is focused. It's like I forgot about me and all I…
Do it! People are judgmental pricks about kids, so just ignore them. Lots of people told me not to put cute clothes on my kid, and I was like, "Um, why not? He doesn't care as long as he's not too hot or too cold or uncomfortable. It's all the same to him and it's not to me, so I'm going to dress him in the way that I…
Yes, it's humorous. Quinoa is an imaginary daughter.
I meant actual examples of artists and songs and videos. Who has done exactly what you described and can you post it as a reply, please?
That's adorable!
I usually prefer cutesy clothes, but my child does have a few "mini adult" clothes and he looks so cute in them!
I keep trying to think of the alternatives. She could have had white back-dancers instead, but that also seems like it would be a problem because of lack of diversity. Or maybe a mixture of black and white people and other races, too? Can you say that a person is using another person's race as an accessory if there is…
I often feel uncomfortable whenever the topic of cultural appropriation comes up because I feel so many qualms with the perspective of exclusion. I feel like this article would have been strengthened if she illustrated this statement with examples so that we can more clearly see the distinction. Perhaps then I…
Sigh. I keep imagining myself as the kind of person who doesn't get wrapped up in material things, like if I won the lottery my life wouldn't significantly change a lot, but then I saw this and I knew, that's bullshit. I'd totally be buying all that stuff for my kid. For some reason I'm pretty bored with fashion on…
According to my etiquette books, wedding registries are suggestions and personal gifts should be considered welcome. Miss Manners says that picking out something special off the registry is all good.