I liked that, too. Nice touch.
I liked that, too. Nice touch.
I thought that was weird, too. The contrast between their faces and their signs is weird. I wonder if someone had just said something funny when the photo was snapped? It's just a moment in time.
They won't. Reddit doesn't want to change.
It could be that you don't have an easily annoyed personality. My husband is like that. Hardly anything bothers him. Me on the other hand, he does a lot of stuff that bothers me, but it's not worse than with my ex-es and I'd rather live my life with him than without him. It might also be a longevity thing, too. In the…
That's hilarious! Reading about it, I mean. I'm sure it's really annoying to watch a movie that you wanted to see with him.
There is no such thing as a person so perfect that they'll never do something 5,000 times that you find annoying. It's finding someone who makes putting up with their annoying crap worthwhile that is important.
My husband does this, except with "What else has that person been in? That face looks familiar-" while there is actual plot happening and dialogue and shit. The worst is that he usually has his laptop in his lap and he could IMDB it without saying anything. He hasn't done it in a while because I think I nagged him…
That's true. There are hair masks. I sometimes put mine on my decollete and neck, too. That makes sense.
Oh, I have no advice. It happened spontaneously. My husband was listing the kinds of things that he wanted to do one Saturday and I warned him that I was going to try out this new face mask that had just come in the mail from Makeup Artist's Choice and babbling about what it does and why I had bought it. He said…
Otter boxes! Watertight and drop proof. It can probably be used as an improvised weapon, too. And it has an 8 week battery life. It makes it perfect for expeditions.
If Indiana Jones can wear a bag, I think it would work for other men.
I think a modern Indiana Jones would have a kindle in there, for referencing ancient texts, obvs. Personally, I'd be sporting damp panties more often if more men dressed like him, but I wouldn't be happy with my son playing with revolvers or bullwhips. Maybe in a few years. Any priceless idols will be broken.
My husband has twice participated with me with my spa nights. He wore masks and drank girly drinks with me and we watched popcorn movies and played board games. It was so much fun. I totally forgot about that. I must suggest doing that again.
I've never told anyone that before.
This depends. Is Indiana Jones' bag a man-purse? Men might want to carry stuff around, too. I feel sorry for my husband when he's caring for my son. My mom-purse is stocked full of stuff for emergencies like treats and things to entertain him.
I just realized that that book doesn't qualify as a book on how to have sex with members of the opposite sex, but it was about how to achieve marriage, which you mentioned in the last sentence. I think that's what I read that made me think that book was related to your question.
I dunno.... It's debatable. If I can smell it but I can't see it, there's a whole other level of horror there. At least when I can see it, I know where the smell is coming from.
Yes, I have once. One of the times I worked at a bookstore, I shelved a book about finding a husband and I thought it was a good one. I didn't agree with all the advice in the book, but I agreed with the premise, which was that if you want to find a mate, be a person that someone would want to be with. I really liked…
Yes. I wish that we had the ability to downvote. I hate that this new system rewards people who are the best at pushing other people's buttons. There will never be a day when absolutely everyone has the willpower not to respond to an Effective Button Pusher. People need the ability to vent at someone hateful and send…
That reminds me of something my dad said. He finally got a cat because his wife wanted one, after a lifetime of owning dogs. He said that if there's any danger, no matter how small your dog is, he'll get between you and it. If it's a bear, a little tiny dog will be right in front trying to protect you. A cat? He'll be…
I know! That poor dog. He knew his friend was in there. His posture said it all.