That's Ms Doctor Who, thank you

I've had this conversation with my friends and that only one has expressed a preference for larger ones, so I think you're right. I've also spoken with men who have told me that they're deeply insecure about their size because they're insecure that they can't please women and that women are just being nice when they

Well, I don't feel like an asshole right now, but I agree that I shouldn't have even bothered responding. It's pointless, but at least you got to see that I'm not the person she was trying to paint me as, which you wouldn't have seen if I hadn't responded.


I can't believe no one took the bait over that line about how trying to avoid street poop has "nothing to do with their butts." I kept thinking of rejoinders that didn't make sense as the person who set up the joke, like,

"Since when does crap have nothing to do with the butt?"

How about, "I thought crap had

What? You said a bunch of stuff to me that has nothing to do with my post, accusing me of saying things I didn't say and interpretations that don't have to do with my post, and then you respond by claiming that I don't know enough about feminism for you to talk to me? This has nothing to do with feminism. You were

I made neither of those statements. I merely responded to a post about male high heels and why they were worn. Yes, many fashions of both genders have been frivolous or practical. I made no sweeping statements about them. You're the one who keeps doing that.

I mean, at the time when men wore high heels, women also

Well, it's like the twelfth time it seemed like it's happened. I haven't said anything before, but it's so blatantly obvious when someone reacts to a reasonable observation with the accusation that I'm probably a single white male living in my parents basement. I mean, every single part of that accusation was just

Did you just react to me like that because you assumed that I was male, and so I must be a total dumbass? Was that your assumption? Is that why you jumped to the most ridiculous conclusion instead of a reasonable one?

What? I absolutely said no such thing. If I believed that, I wouldn't own a closet full of heels.

I don't understand why you're so mad. Are you saying that women's clothes through the ages have always been functional? I'm not going to have to list off a whole bunch of obviously non-functional fashions for women

I thought that had to do with chamber pots and where they were emptied, yuck, and the usefulness of not having your feet slide out of stirrups while in the middle of a gallop, the same reason why cowboy boots still have heels. They're functional.

You can also tell him that many Women's Studies departments no longer exist because now they're called Gender Studies. It's impossible to talk about one without the other and many feminists raised this issue and petitioned for the change.

I get so irritated how often people who are anti-feminist don't realize that

Abusers can be so calculating about where they leave marks. This is true.

People rarely intervene. It's called the Bystander Effect.

I don't use tumblr, but this makes me want to! I love this idea.

Oh god yes! Horrible! And to feel that kind of humiliation that other people are looking at you and judging you and thinking that you deserve what you have coming to you right now? When I say "in public" he did this kind of thing in packed bars and restaurants where everyone could hear him. And the worst thing was

I know a woman whose abusive ex would accuse her of things that he knew would cause other people to think he was in the right when he was being scary and abusive towards her in public. I think he knew that if people thought he was justified in being angry at her that they would be less likely to intervene, and that it

My father was wonderful. In a way he's a man's man and he was a single dad, which left him a bit lost when it came to parenting. He tried his best but he was often lost when it came to things like doing my hair so that I felt like one of the cool kids, or dealing with problems girls have with their friends, or even

Very interesting! I'd like to hear more. It does contradict all the stereotypes about men and family that I've heard my whole life, and that's a good thing. I wonder how many men feel that they must be outliers because they also have heard the same stereotypes. I don't see any use in continuing to believe things

It does for me, too. Most men I've dated have wanted to settle down, get married, and do all the things I'd always heard men aren't interested in. When I was much younger, I thought that it was unusual that I was attracting and attracted to so many guys who were ready for all that. I wasn't ready for marriage or kids,

I think this hits upon why I sometimes get just slightly frustrated by the use of terms like patriarchy, rape culture, and privilege when instances of patriarchy, rape culture, and privilege come up. I feel it more viscerally when it is eloquently described, like Patton does there.