That's Ms Doctor Who, thank you

It's better to turn off lots of men by talking about video games until you found someone who likes it! Changing yourself too much in order to meet a mate will make both of you unhappy. You'll know inside that you aren't loved for who you are. You won't have a mate who enjoys the things that you do and the things you

That sounds like a joke. Was he joking?

I am so horrified. I just.. I just can't even...

First I'm like

You are very sensitive for someone who speaks so harshly. Have you considered that maybe you're over-reacting?

I have done no trolling and merely clarified when it was clear that there was a misunderstanding. With each response you've insulted me, then claimed I was the troll. This last gotcha tactic of accusing me of

I thought you were speaking in general, too. You should work on that.

I was speaking in general, which I thought was apparent. I never said anything about a cab driver.

What? Huh? No, I don't think that and that is totally unrelated to my comment. You need to look at who I'm replying to in order to understand the context. The guy I'm responding to is saying that he thinks women should be thrown in jail for false accusations. I was telling him that the accuser also should have the

I must have the wrong idea about the interaction. I thought you meant that you asked her what her personal opinions were, and she told you to basically fuck off and figure it out on your own, but you make it sound like you asked her what feminism is, which I think is different. It would be for me. One would be like

There's no way of proving that they were actually false. A lot of the time that nothing comes from an accusation, there isn't enough evidence to support that it happened, but that also isn't evidence that it didn't happen. It means that the guy gets the benefit of the doubt that it didn't happen, but that doesn't mean

Urm... I thought "wifebeater" wasn't used anymore because it was uncouth and insensitive about domestic violence. Is that not a thing everywhere?

Oh yes, absolutely. No one should be required to talk about anything they don't want to.

I don't think you understood my post, unless we have different definitions of what constitutes feminism 101. I specifically said "any questions" about feminism, so for your response to make any sense, all conversations about feminism would be feminism 101. Perhaps you mis-read or misunderstood what I was trying to

The expectation that POC should have to educate non-POC or that women should have to educate men, or gay people should have to educate straight people isn't right. No one should answer any questions that they don't feel like answering, but there does seem to be this bizarre catch-22 where white straight men are told

I hear you. I finally had to unlike I Fucking Love Science because I kept forgetting not to hit "like" on their posts and it was upsetting to some of my family. Articles are much easier to share when there aren't curse words. Some people are much more sensitive to them than others.

Wait, huh? I thought you were listening. Didn't you ask so that you could listen? I mean, you weren't asking because you doubted whether she experiences discrimination. That just sounds awfully unfriendly of her to respond that way. I understand if she didn't feel like sharing, that's up to her to choose what to share

I think #4 is totally acceptable and can be a good thing, as long as that nuanced question isn't actually just a version of #2 and the question is in regards to the very existence of sexism. The first three aren't worth responding to, in my opinion because #1 is a troll and should be ignored, #2 is unlikely to change

Wonderful, and I totally agree! So sick and tired of it, actually. Anyone who doesn't recognize those inequalities are real probably isn't worth the time to talk to, because if they really haven't noticed yet, they probably aren't going to. They possess both privilege and the kind of mindset that refuses to see the

I was just about to post a comment about this. In the Fox News article I read, they said that there is no such law in the state. I'm cautious about accepting that particular source as credible and was about to ask if anyone knew if this was true?

I can't believe that it isn't already law there that a female officer

I saw this a few days ago and the video I watched made me cry. I didn't see if it's the same clip because I don't want or need to see it twice. I cannot believe how cold that judge is. She should be removed because she is clearly incapable of making good judgments.

He arrests her after she makes the complaint claiming that she made a false report. The officer is obviously retaliating against her for speaking up about what had just happened.