That's Ms Doctor Who, thank you

I am a Whovian and I am proud to say that a lot of my fellow Whovian friends, who happen to be male, are also in favor of a female Doctor Who. I brought the topic up a while ago and I was proud to see several of them suggesting it to other people whenever the conversation of Who Next comes up.

I asked for it and was rebuffed. I wasn't even asked if I was willing to pay for it, just told that it's not offered for women my age.

I don't know that for sure, but I once read that HPV is responsible for the majority of all cancers of the head and neck, which surprised me because I would have thought it was tobacco. Nope. Apparently it's HPV!

Vaccinate all the children already! What are we waiting for?

I believe he was joking and that he was referring to his own wife, whom he has already been exposed to. He wasn't being a dick, just trying to lighten up the conversation a little.

I agree with you about vaccinations, and I think it was a good thing he did by exposing the risks of HPV. A lot more people now understand

This is the reason why my head feels like exploding whenever I read that parents are against HPV vaccination of children. HPV doesn't just cause cervical cancer. The majority of head and neck cancers are caused by HPV, too, which they acquired from sexual activities like cunnilingus. Giving the vaccine to children

I am so sorry to hear that happened to your wife.

Maybe by sharing your experience with others here, maybe you can save lives, by convincing them to get themselves and their children immunized against HPV. It's not much of a consolation, I know. I wish she was still with you. My heart breaks for you.

Yes, literally the majority of adults have it. I have heard statistics as high as 90%, but 80% is still very very high. This is the reason why pediatricians recommend giving children the HPV vaccination before they hit puberty. The goal is to get them immunized before any exposure to such a ubiquitous virus. Every

Just getting the knowledge out there that it's a cause of it. There are so many people who are against HPV vaccinations and it's rarely ever recommended for boys. I commend Michael Douglas for being forthright about the cause of his throat cancer. He should not be criticized for bringing up a usually taboo subject.

Also, vaccinating all children before they hit puberty, to protect future generations from getting HPV related cancers.

Yes. And personally I did not appreciate the tone of this article. I was happy that Michael Douglas shared the cause of his cancer because so many people believe that only girls need to be vaccinated against HPV. Both boys and girls need to be vaccinated against it to prevent cancer. Period. Why on earth this author

I have a little more information that might be helpful.

I forgot to mention, in Europe and on the bottles of European sunscreens, PPD levels are called "UVA" as in a bottle of PPD 39 sunscreen might be labeled UVA 39. Sometimes they use both to try to avoid confusion, like UVA/PPD 39. I think sunscreens top out at


Yes, I would.

I wondered if she's separated from her husband and child, does that mean that she's essentially under arrest at the hospital? Is that what that means?

I think I must not have done a good job of explaining the context of the conversation. From the context of the conversation when I got into my car, they were discussing the FDA's role with regards to all these new laws making medical marijuana legal, which would be under the purview of the FDA. If a doctor can legally

Yes! Sunscreen geek here with a family history of skin cancer! You got questions, I have the answers!

What you're looking for is a high PPD sunscreen, which is superior to SPF because PPD measures the protectiveness of a sunscreen against UVA rays, which caused DNA damage and cancer. SPF measures UVB rays. As far as I

I'm not really sure if you misunderstood what I meant, or if I misunderstood what you meant, because your comment sounds like a non-sequitur to mine. Perhaps you meant to respond to someone else?

Just in case it was a misreading of what I meant, let me clarify that I like the scientific method. No, I LOVE the

No, it really isn't. Inappropriate behavior isn't restricted to just one gender, and misbehavior by a woman doesn't justify misbehavior by a man, or vice versa.

I was once with a group of friends when one of them said something extremely inappropriate to a celebrity. It was waaaay awkward. I think she wanted to be

I'm sure that he was escorted out. She would have to make sure that the line was drawn right there in order to maintain control of her audiences and how they treat her. If a person in the audience slapped her on the ass and she didn't do anything about it, can you imagine how her future concerts would go? Can you

Sunscreens containing Tinosorb S, Tinosorb M, and emcamsule are easily obtained through mail order here in the US and have been for a long time. You can even buy Bioderma brand sunscreens on Amazon. I've ordered from Pharmamundi's site directly once because they were offering a "new customer" discount, so I bought a

You can actually buy it on Amazon now.