That's Ms Doctor Who, thank you

As someone who imports her sunscreen, at great cost, to protect herself and her family, and who has been cursing the FDA since 2000 when Tinosorb became available everywhere else in the world, this is the only possible logical reason.

Of course, I also heard someone from the FDA attempting to justify their

There is absolutely a market for it, but mainly for certain brands like Bioderma and La Roche Posay. I import mine!

I import sunscreen with tinosorb in it. Bioderma Sensitive 50+.

Yeah, I wish there was something like that here. I haven't painted regularly since high school and I loved it. I can't imagine how much more fun it would be with a room full of other adults drinking and joking around! Talk about releasing one's creativity!

I have had this exact same thought.

Are there more videos?

I just found this video and it brought tears to my eyes, too. It reminded me of some of my gay friends, so loving, so full of love and caring for others. Then I look at certain sections of my family who make fun of gay people and I know it's just because they've never met my gay friends (I live far away) so they

I do, too! Except they don't remind me of my own. I just got a little scolded by my father for "liking" things on Facebook from the page I Fucking Love Science. Sigh.

I'm one of your peers and I can relate to it. I'm sort of a Married Old, too.

My husband cooks a lot, so that makes me feel loved because he makes a special effort to buy and cook things I love to eat, which he'll prepare and bring to me on a tray, just because it's a Tuesday (or whatever day it is). Sometimes he asks

Aw shucks! Thank you! I hope you find someone who really appreciates you and knows how to show it.

Hmmm. If I'm blinded by love, then how do I know whether how I see him is because I'm blinded by love? I really do look at him sometimes and marvel that I'm with such a good-looking guy. Then I worry about whether I'm

Does she use the term in the book? It's a word that instantly generates the right concepts, which cuts through false arguments about what we want. I'm not surprised that others have hit upon it, too. I have heard of that book, but I haven't read it myself. I should pick it up.

Yes, patriarchy definitely hurts men,

See, that's exactly one of my issues with the name "feminism." It appears to pit the sexes against one another, which I know isn't the point of it, but the name itself is misleading. If the movement were a company, and a poll was taken of people who aren't feminists, I bet that most people don't really get it because

I agree. This is some good advice. My husband and I have been together for over a decade, and I love him, but I definitely take him for granted sometimes. It's good to be reminded to show each other how much you appreciate sharing your life together.

Gay marriage re-organized itself under the name marriage equality because the phrase "marriage equality" did a better job of reminding people that as citizens, they're granted the same rights under the constitution. They didn't call it that because they already had marriage equality but because of what they were

Hey, where did you come up with that? I've been telling people we need to call it "equalism" and I thought I made it up because it was the first term that popped to mind! Is that really becoming a thing now?

It doesn't sound any different than when I was a teen, and that was in the 90s. Now it's texts, then it was phone calls and how long to ask her out for the first time and how much time after a date before you call again and whether or not a guy was supposed to dump a girl if she calls too early or doesn't wait for him

Really? That's so bizarre. I'm complimenting my husband all the time, although a lot less than in the first few years. I even annoy other people by telling them how great I think he is all the time - that he's handsome, sexy, all that in bed, kind, thoughtful, etc. Like, we were watching this show and he made an

What is that a gif of? I must know!

Good for you!

Keep donating every week. In college I worked at a blood bank. Blood banks are usually fine the day after a tragedy like this but experience problems in the coming weeks. Blood banks can only process a limited amount at a time because any blood that isn't processed within 8 hours of drawing has to be

Er, no, not unless their birthdays are the on the same day. When I was 15 I began dating a 17 year old. You know what happened when he turned 18? I was still 15, because that's how birthdays work. The only way I would have been 16 when he turned 18 would be if we were born on the same day. Do you understand? Between