That's Ms Doctor Who, thank you

I was in the gifted program, which put all the kids together. I also took several math classes at once, because I was gifted. The rules wouldn't allow me to skip over a requirement, but they made an exception for me because I had taught myself several years worth of math by reading a few textbooks over a few weeks,

I should have read your responses to other comments before taking the time to respond to you. It's apparent that you don't really think most people think it is creepy. You're just trollin'.

It's not an exception in Florida. Their version of the law is the kind wherein the person convicted can request that a Judge decide whether or not they have to register as a sex offender. The law there basically states that it is still statutory rape and that an 18 year old can be convicted for having sex with a 17

Yeah, I know! My high school boyfriend and I started dating when he was 17 and I was 15. Then one day he turned 18, and since we didn't have birthdays on the same day, guess what? I was still 15! Nobody blinked an eye, because it wasn't weird at all.

That's how it is in Florida. In other states there is a complete exemption. According to Wikipedia, laws about statutory rape vary widely. In some states, both minors would be guilty, not just the older one, in other states there is a total exemption for anyone who is within three years of age from prosecution for

No, it's not creepy. When I was fifteen, I started dating a 17 year old boy. Then he turned 18 and since our birthdays weren't on the same day, suddenly the number changed, but we were still the same two people. No one thought that it was wrong. I happened to live in a state that made an exception for teenagers within

When sunscreens are tested, they're tested as an entire product precisely because of the possibility that other ingredients could affect the spf level. The real problem affecting spf level is viscosity. All sunscreens are tested with the same application level, regardless of viscosity, 2 ml per square inch. That means

Oh, and I forgot to add: it works.

The best cure is prevention. For the last 10 years I've been taking a combination of various supplements that include N-acetyl-cysteine, glutathione, vitamin C, and a small amount of zinc. I take these while drinking, before bed, and sometimes the next day. How much I take depends on how much I've drunk. Take too much

I don't really care. He is totally right that he's influential, and if it takes the help of a publicist to get the correct message across, I endorse it. He wanted to apologize and he at least read those words and said to himself, "That. That is what I want to say." Kudos. A large measure of respect is restored in my

They both look terrible in this picture. What a terrible choice. Ellen looks like she was in the middle of saying something. Portia looks likes she was in mid-facial expression. It's like those bad photos of Beyonce that were taken at just the right moment to make her look bad. Who picked this picture out?

I loved Better Off Ted so hard. I've watched the reruns at least three times, too. Yet another excellent show taken from us too soon.

Is it really "blocking" or does that person's posts just become invisible to whomever "blocked" that user but that user remains visible to everyone else? I've seen that system used elsewhere and it doesn't work because it essentially asks each person to pretend that someone isn't making fun of them, while they know


I agree. Also, she didn't say it, so it's not her responsibility to say anything about it. While I'm glad that she cleared it up so smoothly, I dislike the judgment that she had done something wrong before she said anything.

I wish I could have seen the video, but when I clicked "play" I got this message, "This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy prohibiting content designed to harass, bully, or threaten." I've never seen that announcement before. Is this just something that YouTube just started doing?

Oh boy. That's the sign the he needs to back away from the keyboard immediately. That's so painfully embarrassing to read! I know apologizing is hard, but that's just way worse.

I wasn't either. That's the problem with the internet isn't it?

Gee, that never occurred to me! Of course I told them!

I have no doubt about the whether Legos are fun.