But who are you to decide that she isn't healthy? Is the internet her doctor? You all have been policing her body which is apparently an okay thing to do now that she isn't fat anymore.

I don't disagree, that's why I said problematic, not the worst ever.

Yup. I'm 5'2" and 98lbs, and all of this coverage has me foaming at the mouth. I am really fucking tired of hearing about how The Biggest Loser fat shames and that's bad, then in the next breath how 'gaunt' and 'skeletal' people who have bodies like mine are. Like... seriously? Fuck that.

She went from 260 pounds to a gaunt 105 pounds to win the show.

My cousin and best friend, both of whom are personal trainers, have told me that if you are not in shape, you should work your way up to, not train to the point of getting sick and passing out. If you have trainers telling you that this is a healthy thing, you need to get new trainers.

I watched one episode of this show several years ago, saw a person working out so hard they threw up and nearly passed out, decided this bull hockey was dangerous and worth no one's time, and changed the channel. We can all change the channel.

Tracy, you might want to note in your article that Woody also sent Mia a Valentine that year. He was trying to get back together with her and even including proposing marriage. Imagine that mindfucking manipulation. You'll find the below quote on page 7 of the linked VF article:

You're fooling no one.

This just confirms for me that Mia Farrow is/was motivated by her MATERNAL feelings for her children, and NOT sexual jealousy over Woody Allen.

It isn't an assumption. Ms Farrow explained the reason for the valentine under oath during the custody trial.

I have to side with Mia on this one. Woody shattered their lives. Woody should be grateful she stabbed up a card and not his body.

Fairly sure you don't know what you're talking about, since Mia found out about the affair when Soon Yi was 19. Fairly sure you're being disgustingly disingenuous when you characterize Woody Allen and Soon Yi as "an older person dates a younger." Fairly sure you're gross.

Yup, and if you go to the interview where Woody showed the Valentine, he also gives the "I could have been a child molester a bunch of times, if I had wanted to. Why would I have chosen that moment?!" excuse which gives me the creepies.

I find it strange that Mia's apparent....instability is being used by some people to defend Woody Allen from Dylan's accusations.

Pretty scary? He molested one daughter and groomed and married another. Let's get our perspective right side up.

I would set his car on fire AT LEAST.

I do not find Mia Farrow's graphic illustration of the destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter to be as shocking as the actual destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter.

If I'd just discovered my partner had been sleeping with my child, you better believe a sad/cryptic card wouldn't be the worst thing to happen.

It's good to know that dreams can come true if you're Tyra Banks.

Would've been interesting if she talked about black women who have light skin privilege in the fashion industry. This is, of course, not an attack on her personally. But for every Naomi Campbell, there's probably three Tyra Banks' in the industry who've made it, and that's unfortunate.