R Sweeper

Having been unemployed in the past year, I was surprised how truly inefficient the government offices were for job seekers and those seeking medical coverage. Automated phone systems that can't accept dials from cell phones is just one example. I 2nd the idea of saving every paper and notice. For every answer you

It may not be the best option but free breakfast/lunch where offered in schools can be helpful for a time. There's not nearly as much stigma as there used to be.

These are good tips for anyone going through identify theft or fraud as well...A friend recently had their accounts drained by an accountant. They had to act quickly to stay afloat in the midst of moving and keeping client appointments. If you have pets, ASPCA and other places can tell you where to get free or low

Many pharmaceutical companies have programs for free or discounted drugs. Your doctor may be required to help fill out a form, get the shipment sent directly to their office or something similar but you can still get your medicines.

Don't forget selling or pawning items that you aren't using. Sell broken silver or gold jewelry that's gathering dust. It can be enough to pad savings or take care of groceries. If you need training because you are unemployed or underemployed, the WIA program is in every state. They will help you with training if

The rules have changed and the type of bankruptcy makes a difference as well regarding repayment versus no repayment.

Let everyone you know that you are looking for work and the kind of work you're qualified for. Don't assume everyone understands what you can or are willing to do. Visit your local food pantry to see what's can stretch the food dollar with soups, expiring fresh items like fruit, veggies, herbs, and

I'm not sure where some reside but in Illinois the hoops that some have to jump through when they need the bridge of public assistance is crazy. Getting medical while you look for a job requires taking out a whole day and calling months in advance for a doctors appointment. Unemployment that you've paid into is capped

Folks often do this for emphasis in serious situations, like a parent that changes the tone so a child knows this is a serious topic or a team meeting where a message is being delivered.