
As a teacher, this, out of all of Trump’s horrific appointments, has stung the most. Imagine if this person and her family had donated that bribe money to public education what could have been accomplished.

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

A veteran criminal gang with 3 women and a 72 year old master counterfeiter? Can we get a show about them? They sound infinitely more interesting than the Kardashians.

I hate the deep v / boob suspender trend deeply, profoundly, and beyond reason. make it stop. i’m tired of seeing peoples chests.

Thank god. We need frivolity for a brief while.

Hi Mark. Really nice to see you here.

Like 15, max, but I’d want to be alive long enough to vet them and make sure the company didn’t just post hot pics on their website and then sent some completely different dudes to grind on my open casket (like they do with bachelorette parties, which is really unprofessional IMHO).

Current Canadian socialist here: I don’t lose half of my income to taxes. Nowhere near, actually. And I get health care taken care of, fully. And I don’t worry about which public school my kids go to because they’re all, more-or-less, pretty great. And on and on. I’m kind of pumped this guy moved to the States,

This. The false equivalencies this cycle were amazing.

Fuck yes ! #teamLindy

Obama has at least kept us out of yet another unwinnable, incredibly complex  war in Syria, unwinnable in part because of Putin’s support of Assad. Trump’s understanding of the war is frighteningly simple, basically saying we should partner with Assad and Putin to “smash” ISIS. Assad helped build Al-Queda and ISIS to

It’s not a controversial post because there is no fact to it.

You come off as a doofus. Nobody has any legally protected rights to post on Univisions websites and it’s easy to get internet access without wires (and to purchase access on the black market).

There are videos of her in east Aleppo, both at home and with known Aleppo activists, so guess what? You’re dead wrong and shitting out Russian propaganda. And dismissing Syrian rebels as terrorists is racist as fuck. Your ISIS/CIA thing is straight-up tin foil hat bullshit—Daesh’s history is well-known, idiot, and

I’m moving out. I have not lived on my own for eight years. It will be my first time to be on my own with my son as a single mom. I am so excited and so terrified. We got the cutest little apartment and I am spending lots of time thinking about how I’m going to decorate to make it cozy!

Point taken, but all except the MOST whackadoo Christians will say that is metaphorical, not actual. That director dude (whose name escapes me atm) said when he asked if the Xenu story was supposed to be a metaphor, he was told it most certainly was NOT.

While we may not have any hard proof (YET), there is a 0% chance Steve Bannon has never said nigger.

If only men’s fashion would realize that some of us men have inseams less than 30".

Is Tweet Beat no more?

I’ve never posted, so this might live in the greys forever. But!