
Breakups suck. And I hope this doesn’t sound mean, because I’ve definitely been there, but just reading this felt like you’re emotionally all over the place right now. It doesn’t sound like you were ready to be hanging out with this guy at all, let alone having sex.

I didn’t expect him to be THRILLED but his reaction was way over the top, right?!

Could somebody please take the the strong intelligent little boy away from the psychopath with an AK-47 and loaded 45?

This woman needs help. A lot of help. Vast amounts of help.

FBI and CIA trying to recruit since Grade School?

They are so fucking short. That’s the thing that bothers me. WHY SO SHORT

IIRC, carrot cake came into popularity at a point (I think it was WWII, though it could have been WWI) when sugar was in short supply; the carrots make it sweeter with less actual sugar. So I suspect the oil in the cake was at least partly because butter would have also been difficult to come by in large quantities at

...........................holy shit

I thought she was turning into a bratz doll

She may not be a drinker, but I suspect the fact this story about her was posted on 4/20 is an appropriate coincidence. Sister was trippin’ HARD on something.

Wait: 18 months between births or pregnancies? Two different things.

Why does this article keep switching between spacing measures? First you talk about time between births, then time from birth to the start of the next pregnancy (especially bad because the pregnancy is about half of the eighteen-month period mentioned), then back to months between births, then just ‘spacing.’ Telling

The information here is confusing — getting pregnant within 18 months and allowing a minimum of 18 months between births (which would allow for getting pregnant 9 months postpartum) are not interchangeable.

15 year old me would be stoked my barely A cup boobs are now DDs. Like, totally stoked.


The fact that they used rap as the means by which to express how much they don't like black people is a tad-bit ironic, don't cha think?

You seem not to understand the difference between being in a committed relationship and making a lifelong commitment to another human being. In the first case, you "commit" generally, with no specific term or legal designation. In the second case, you are pledging your life and your loyalty to someone else and both

I wish motherly empathy/instincts could be weaponized. These fuckers would BURN.

nah they both suck

Dear Author of “You’ve Been Publicly Shamed”,

So if I think this is highly unethical, I’m an “ageist hater”? So be it