I think I just barfed on my keyboard.
I think I just barfed on my keyboard.
Yes, because we all know that it's all or nothing. You either regulate businesses that you don't like out of business or you let China make toys with lead and banks gamble everyone's money away and the sick die in the streets because insurers price them out. All regulation is either good or bad and we must pick our…
I cannot for the life of me understand people who would prefer a candidate who asks for everything and gets nothing to a candidate who asks for lesser somethings and gets them. Obama has been, hands down, the most pro-LGBTQ president ever. He is making progress across the board.
This idea has always made the most sense to me. If rape is "natural" why are rapists the outliers? Who do these people think made up the laws, ladies trying to protect themselves? No. Men made anti-rape laws because the majority of society finds rape (theoretically) abhorrent.
$130?! I make these balls literally every day because it's the best way to collect the endless hair my cat sheds. And Mr.Frost keeps telling me they're gross... Ha!
But that's who he is. Do you expect him to change himself just because he's a terrible person? What are you a Nazi?
True Story:
When I was about 4 I memorized every word from Princess Bride and would perform scenes for anyone any time I got the chance.
Oh this is making me sick. I had a wisdom tooth pulled two weeks ago and I'm still dealing with crazy pain and jaw issues and taking vicodin. I don't want to take it, but sometimes the pain is just so bad. I really hope gunning down people is not in my future.
I'm going to assume this happened because her boyfriend brought her to his art show and asked her to perform on the spot and she had to work with what she had which was colored drink and stomach bile. In which case, this is obviously about the pressures of being a rich, popular, soccer-star high schooler. Sooner or…
First of all, I somehow missed his original post so... thanks a lot for ruining my lunch, Jez.
What I hear when they open their mouths:
Lots of men see women only as sex objects. Women's magazines are misogynistic. PETA is misogynistic. Rape culture is absolutely, 100% misogynistic. But I don't condone or participate (willingly) in any of that culture either. And I don't believe the answer to "men see us as sex objects" is to accept that we are sex…
The weirdest part of this story was two dads involved with the panel who said if you let your kids have sex at home they'll get a reputation for being sluts. Because having lenient parents is more "slutty" than doing it in the back of someone's car?
I believe I read earlier that you are orthodox and choose to dress modestly, etc, so let me start by saying that I absolutely respect your individual decision to do so, especially if it makes you feel safer. I am not trying to say that you are or should feel degraded by your own choices.
That's true, no one has a right to touch anyone else. There seemed to be a lot of commenters justifying his actions because they were rooted in his religion and I think it's a bad habit of the left to forget to criticize misogyny when it happens in extreme religions that aren't aren't mainstream. But regardless, she…
You're right. From now on, I'm going to go around saying all opinions are equal and I suppose we'll just have to let this whole "equal rights" thing go since my opinion that gays are people isn't above their opinion that they aren't.
I find it repugnant that there are people actively trying to deny me the right to make my own medical decisions or marry whomever I choose. I'm not saying we should outlaw the protesting of people I disagree with but I'm not going to change my lifestyle to avoid offending them.
I guess it's just the inherent sexism of it; he has no problem with being touched, as we can see from the gay rights protester that hugged him before her. Amidst the shoving and pushing and grabbing that all the protesters are doing, it doesn't seem fair expect her to interact differently with him because his religion…
I liked Miss Utah's defeatist attitude: "Either way someone's going to be offended so...*sigh* I would say yes but... "