While i do agree, this is true of most movements. But the problem here is that this radical minority gets to speak for the collective. And can thus wield a large amount of power.
While i do agree, this is true of most movements. But the problem here is that this radical minority gets to speak for the collective. And can thus wield a large amount of power.
I’d say you are part of the cancer. If you don’t think people should be treated equally be they men or woman. Then there is no need for someone like you to be alive.
Which is exactly why we let Islam do whatever it wants.
Women fired or reprimended for the choice of t-shirt or words is equivalent to the witch hunt we have nowadays against men. Who was the video game journalist that had a witch hunt against him which forced him out of his job because he merely said in a tweet “No girlfriend at home, finally some peace” or something like…
There is no reason for it, other than for the sake of it. Everyone’s eyes are big in the manga, and the anime. Its equal. Yet only hers are big here.
You.. can’t be 100% passive and feel like you are being exploited.... that isn’t how it works. Get up and leave, don’t write a blog about how you were laying there and after watching people have sex you felt like you had to join in.
That is literally not how it works, you don’t get to play that role and then feel like…
“We’re sorry, but this service is unavailable right now.”
I freaking HATE how Nintendo is dealing with these. We all can’t be on your strange ass scheduling! Just leave it open all weekend, damnit!
Why? Because we can’t just have games coverage anymore. No, we have to add on all this dumb SJW crap because the Kotaku writers are dumb SJWs themselves.
Yeah! We evil men in the west have done a terrible job giving women more freedom then any place or time in history. It’s a good thing that you are all out there protesting your rights that you already have. It’s amazing that you don’t protest against shira law or female circumcision.
Some white knights have already started to become triggered to your post but I get what you’re trying to say. The “too much sexy” topic has snowballed from an intelligent discussion on changing the direction of geek culture into a click bait drama queen soap box that is beginning to lose all credit with regular people…
Wow ya’ll bitch so much about the objectification of women, but you use a clearly sexual picture to grab the reader, then you showcase the cosplay aspect, this is objectification!!!! she uses it to her advantage and so do ya’ll when it suites.
Pfffft. Yeah fucking right. If he had funded a “shitposting mill” that was pro-Hillary, no one would give a shit, and troll-blogs like this one wouldn’t post a single story about it. The specific political persuasion is the problem here.
It’s such a shame he has to apologize for this. I’m not pro trump or anything but I have a really hard time with people being treated as having done something wrong when we disagree with them. Lucky, I don’t know what you believe but I hope you don’t let others disapproval make you apologize for it.
LOL...Google and Facebook do all sorts of questionable shit in support of Hillary and the tech media is mum. One of the few tech billionaires is discovered to be a Trump supporter. OH THE HORROR!
Meme Magic is real!!! I’m a nimble navigator and proud of it. Sorry I can’t keep quiet any longer! It’s sad that we can’t say we are Trump supporters because we will be labeled as racist or self hating. I’m Hispanic and voting for DJT!!!
This looks like Guillermo Del Toro’s version of ‘Unravel’
I know i’m probably in the minority but I hate pokemon with every fiber of my being.