
I get the impression Sarah Summers spent a lot of high school gym class throwing tampons in the shower at bullied girls. I also get the impression that her mother told the school administration officials that everyone is just jealous of her daughter, which is the REAL problem!

Behold the master race.

Too soon, man. Especially for this.

They addressed it on the show too. Tracy Jordan did some rant off-season and Liz’s statement was basically the same, except she called him an idiot. 

Right, he made a joke in the beforetimes, when it wasn’t wrong to disparage people for their sexuality. When threatening violence against gay people was the law of the land. Before gay people had risen up and become sentient beings, when there was no need to respect their inherent humanity. Way back (*checks notes*)


“Which was immediately snatched up by Jason Velazquez, a digital marketing director, who purchased the domain for a mere $6. Rudy’s accidentally invoked site,, now states that “Donald Trump is a traitor to our country.” we talk so much about The View on this website?

Disembodied sunglasses

look at that LARPING ass dork in the top picture. These people suck out loud.

Well, they’re not called Smart Boys.

What a bunch of fuckin' dorks. 

He’s especially good at the following commands:

Considering Netflix brought us Billy Madison Yucks It Up With Chief Wahoo (aka The Ridiculous 6), and not only didn’t try to make things right but doubled down its support of it after racist morons made it a Netflix record breaking hit, don’t know if we should ever expect them to strive to do the right thing.

If he’s convicted, does that mean there won’t be any more articles about him?

Serious question: who uses Facebook as a news source? I’m only using it as a way to keep in touch with old friends who aren’t local, some interest groups (vinyl fans, Comics, Howard Stern, etc) I only read verified pages like The NY Times, WaPo, New Yorker and such.  How is the RussianBot fake news being disseminated?

Of course he was heroic in war time. Only an idiot would question that (thus Pete Davidson).

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

Or even, “I’d do him once.”
