am I wrong for not totally getting the point of this piece? Like the tone feels like “this is bad and over-indulgent because babies” but honestly
am I wrong for not totally getting the point of this piece? Like the tone feels like “this is bad and over-indulgent because babies” but honestly
I dare you to listen to Billie sing acapella and then Rihanna without autotune and tell us who you think is better. Perfectly fine not to like her music, but Billie is wildly talented.
I like Bille’s dress but the makeup choices are suspect. A darker lip would have provided a feature other than her non-lightened eyebrows and played into the pin up theme. The barely-there “nude” make up doesn’t work as intended when the different between the hair and the eyebrows is so great and clearly modified, so…
I think people doing it for the photo ops are doing it wrong. I always figured the real appeal in this is giving your kid something new and just watching how they react. That’s the most fun of having a baby (said as an auntie), watching them find something they like. Sure, snap a picture or two for the memories of the…
Why not both?
Oh she does. She’s going for the sweet spot of respectable bigots who will tolerate her as long as she’s a useful token for covering up their bigotry.
Just remember the 3% rule:
Question: If Caitlyn Jenner had transitioned earlier in life, and was still able to compete, would she have the same answer? Or would that be a case of: “I’m held to different standards because I’m me.”
She knows she does not have a chance in hell. She is a sociopath on the same fame and money grubbing grift the Candace Owens culture wars types love. She is running over her own community for a chance at a Fox News appearance, to sell some merchandise and get a book deal. That’s all.
The idea that Kate is middle class is nonsense. I was born British upper middle class and the Middletons were financially and socially way above my family. She’s was born into the 1%. Upper Class but not aristocracy. Meaning the aristocracy will always look down on her, but her current position (above all of them) gi…
Baseless conspiracy theory: The entire Megxit controversy was engineered and planned by the royal family to distract everyone from the fact that Prince Andrew was best buddies with a sex trafficker.
This, this, this.
I got news for you Bish, a lot more of your congregation is pro-choice than pro-life. Plus, your really down to people Biden’s age. So, maybe you should come down off that high horse of yours.
A true Constitutional Originalist would say the Second Amendment only applies to muskets.
Let’s hope that the conservatives finally go with the strict constructionism that they’re always clamoring about. In order to have the right to bear arms, people must be in a well regulated militia.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: If you voted for that orange turd, this is your fault. “What could he do in 4 years?” THIS, YOU DENSE, IGNORANT FUCKS.
I love the sound of conservatives crying because of the free market decisions made by corporations.
My great-grandfather was involved in the “Indian Wars”, i.e. taking lands from Native Americans and killing as many as possible under the veil of fighting insurrection.
They created this monster--the monster of Faux-Rage Mob Idiots. We’re all trapped in a hideous nightmare version of Little Shop of Horrors, where Audrey II has the country wrapped in its tentacles and there’s no good songs.
I would expect nothing less from Kevin “That was not an insurrection” McCarthy.