
OMG, *NSYNC is so superior to BSB. 

I like that gigantic Panama hat. 

I love how no one even read the article (because really, who asked for a deep journalistic dive into men humping stages?) and is just here to express their existential horror at that anatomically impossible banner gif. It’s like a fucking Lovecraft monstrosity. Who did this??

Yeah the banner image is vile. I’m just gonna log off until it’s no longer at the top of the site. Not only the weird thrusting, but the anatomical incorrectness of it all (why is the butt so high? where’s the butthole supposed to be?) is too unsettling to look at.

So this gif..... the man is a centaur, right? Human front, horse center, human back.

Put. Your Ass. Away.

The proportions are just off. Like I don’t know where his crotch would go. It’s like porn made by someone really turned on by Tusk

Please make this gif go away.  I’ve avoided this page since it showed up.

No comment other than to say I hope the graphic designer for the gif puts this one proudly high on the online portfolio.

At one point I tried to start writing some things down, figuring I would leave it for my grandkids, if I ever have any. But it just kind of petered out, and I haven’t written anything for months. It got to be too much. How many times can I write, “I just can’t f*ing believe this”?

There’s no life hack that gets around the knowledge your government was happy to let a vast swath of its population die, no radical acceptance of such a monumental chain of loss.”

Kmowing him, he was truly in love and just being a dumbass because that's what he's known for. I mean, the dude let his Twitter followers choose his new middle name! Isn't his name now macualy culkin culkin? Tbh minus his boneheaded comment, he's the only child actor I can tolerate

The tone of this is so weird. Are we supposed to be upset?

Wait a the officer accidentally grabbed wrong weapon, accidentally UNHOLSTERED the wrong weapon, accidentally removed safety, accidentally AIMED A WEAPON and didn’t feel in the hand it was a gun...gun which is A LOT heavier than a taser, especially if fully loaded.

Yeah that seems odd, especially given how hard it’s been to schedule covid shots in most areas. I had my mammo a month ago and Kaiser specifically told me to delay the mammo if I had recently had a covid shot.

I knew this one actually, because my mother’s gyn made her reschedule her covid shot until after the mammogram she had scheduled.

While I’m normally all about the gendered biases in medicine, this articles seems a little excessive, given that we are learning, literally in real time, about both the coronavirus and Covid, and the vaccines. A year ago people were wiping down their mail or quarantining their packages. We only learned of efficacious

‘early grave.’ he’s 99.

So Americans are supposed to feel sympathy for the personal flaws of Prince Philip, but not George Washington, whose statues are torn down and whose name is uttered as a curse?

I am sorry for the Queen’s loss.  I just had a feeling that Prince Phillip was sicker than publicly announced during his last hospital stay.  From what I remember reading after his car accident in 2019, he went on the decline.  I now wonder if the Queen will remain on the throne.  The two people she told she would