
She’s no Molly Ivins, but sometimes she lands one.

I think Kaiser has the benefit of only letting Kaiser members through to their appointments. I know in WA if you are not a Kaiser member you cant even get to the schedule you have to call them

When will the Dems EVER learn that the other side plays by an entirely different set of rules? Did we win when Franken resigned?

Well, I’m here to give total credit to these allegations and I have no evidence, either! Touche’!

“45 percent of white evangelicals reported that they “definitely” or “probably” won’t get vaccinated against covid-19" .... and nothing of value was lost.

I worked in college PR for a hot minute and was in a FB group for people with this same job and it was really depressing how many teens messaged colleges about “you better take a look at THIS teen, they’re not worthy of your school actually!! Get rid of em!”

What if we framed the question as “Would you like the covid vaccine? If not we’ll give it to antifa/poor/democrat/gay/minority/atheist people or adherents of another religion.” I think some would get it if it meant that meant someone from outside of their cult couldn’t, just out of spite.

Fine with me. Just confine yourselves to your own houses and don’t receive any visitors until you change your minds, stupid selfish assholes. Oh, and don’t vote either; you’ve already shown you can’t handle the grown-up responsibility.

If you’re leaving everything up to God’s will, then you need to be naked and living in a cave somewhere with no health insurance and you hunt and gather. No more Wawa, Carl’s Jr., HVAC system, cars, glasses, and modern medicine for you!

“It would be God’s will if I am here or if I am not here.”


I almost wish I still believed in this Christianity nonsense, because then I could hope that these morons would be raptured so the rest of us can live without their hatred and stupidity. 

More than that, she said, “It would be God’s will if I am here or if I am not here.”

On the plus side, the rest of the family went on to enjoy a four-day overbearing-Dad-less vacation of a lifetime!

What bugs me the most about the voices calling for an end to “cancel culture” is their attempt to paint it as something only bad awful left people do, and to suggest it’s something recent. When in fact ostracizing people for their words, actions, or even just rumors is quite ancient, and heavily practiced by

Really intriguing piece on the subject. Personally, I’m a bit torn on the cancel culture discussion as a whole. Largely, I do agree that it is this boogeyman concept that is astonishingly often proclaimed about considering that it is supposed to silence people. Also by making those claims, those parties are actively

Yeah, you’re going to want to be veeeeeeeery careful with this situation. In estate planning there is a concept known as “undue influence” which basically says someone (like your brother) cannot take advantage of another (like your parents) for his own financial gain (which in this case is likely to take the form of a

He took an online estate planning course!

Also Britney has only ever had one speeding ticket and she hasn't crashed a car. Most Americans could not say the same thing.

Travelling to MANY (though not the usual tourist spots) countries already required proof of certain vaccinations. Don’t get the big deal.