
Good, now let’s pass HR1 and PR and DC statehood, or this will be an ephemeral victory.

Typical lib sheeple. Totally distracted by this fluff while the real issues are how Antifa and BLM have castrated Mr. Potatohead and the classic books of Dr. Seuss have been ripped out of our children’s hands! None of this...none!... would’ve happened if Gawd’s Chosen One hadn’t been betrayed by Judas Pence!

I know Biden did acknowledge during his campaign and that there have been some backtracking, but I’m still kind of astonished how big of a swing the administration took the progressive side.

As a former child myself, I’m astonished the shit adults inflict on children that we’d never do to another adult.

The title attention confuses me a little too - on the Harry side. For years Charles had been trying to make the royal family smaller. Archie is the same exact relationship to him,  as Eugenie and Beatrice, etc are to the current Queen, who he has been trying to push out. They were talking about that before Meghan was

I don’t think her issues were so much with not knowing “protocol,” by which I mean things like not realizing she had to curtsy before the Queen, and more about the absolutely domineering, cult-like control the royal family exercises over your life, coupled with them doing nothing about the lies and racist and sexist

re: Kate, the stress lines on her face and the TENSION in her body language are pretty notable 

The Palace really sounds like the top-level advisers are just various Mrs. Danvers clones in different wigs. Malevolent, constantly whispering poison into people’s ears, but they know where the bodies are buried so they stay on staff.

Who died and made you Gwyneth Paltrow?

I know Meghan and Harry went out of their way to avoid implicating the Queen directly in anything they said (and that Oprah has confirmed it wasn’t her or Philip who said the Archie thing), which I think is a complex mix of both genuine affection for her and also wanting to avoid the even worse shitstorm that would

I’m torn - I think that if the Queen had any idea what was going on here then she’d be appalled, although I’m not sure how empowered she would be to change anything.

We were talking about Archie’s title and/or loss of security, which took place when he was born. We weren’t talking about the Sussexes’ security, which is an entirely separate subject and a discussion that happened at a completely different time.

The incident we were discussing took place when the Sussexes were working royals and intended to continue to be. I’m not really sure how your post fits into that, given this.

I don’t understand how they can’t see that they are the problem here. Three of the last four women who have married into the family have talked about the abuse they felt from the crown, and while we haven’t heard anything from Kate the stress she has felt is fairly obvious from seeing her frequent extreme weight loss.

I really wanted to hear them say that the claims of denying mental health care to a member of the family would be looked into. It should horrify Grandma to hear that a woman she likes who is married to a grandson she loves, wasn’t able to get help she needed because of the structure of the system. 

Fuck trump. If I ever hear anything about him again* it will be too soon.

Also titles have no bearing on security arrangements, as demonstrated by Beatrice and Eugenie not having any despite being Princesses yet having none.

And you are still wrong. The primary issue is the lack of any title at all was not their choice. Then they delve into the “prince” matter as an example. So Prince Charles no longer wants princes and princesses. But they cut off the first royal POC offspring from any title at all and cut off all security (which she

You are incorrect. What Meghan actually said was that there was a discussion that the rules would be changed AFTER Charles becomes king. Such that the grandkids automatically becoming prince when their grandfather ascends to the throne rule would stop. She literally quotes the King George V rule in the interview. The

I freely admit I like the Queen very much, so I’m willing to throw her a bone: I do not think she knew how bad it was for H&M. When Harry said in the interview she invited him to Norfolk, but that offer was rescinded by her secretary - this is the secretary that Charles hired after he got rid of the one whose primary