
Good grief, Piers Morgan is a miserable cunt.

What a dad, eh? My Daddy wouldn’t tolerate AT ALL anyone disparaging me. He once overheard my MIL make a negative comment to me (she could be a pill) and after that he disliked her, was able to keep the peace throughout the years, could smile and socialize, but never forgave her for speaking to me like that. THAT’S a

I had to look up both of these individuals, and found them in the dictionary next to “shallow”. 

Father is just another word for motherfucker. 

Yeah my question would be who benefits from removing him instead of making him an object lesson?

This honestly feels like a mistake. Keeping Pepe in the movie with this single scene and keeping it a simple lesson about consent seems like a missed opportunity.

The kinds of skills he developed in the military and  as the “face” for causes are pretty transferable to the non-profit marketplace. He is organized, and still draws a crowd so he can probably run Archewell just fine and live off the proceeds from the things he invests his 13 million dollars in. :D

Another question I wish was asked!

So Megan and Eugenie were friends before Megan met Harry.

How on earth did they meet? :D

Man, I did not feel like Oprah was on the top of her game, either. I’m glad Megan got to say what things were like, but the real juicy stuff like literally being locked up with no escape, and not being able to contact mental health professionals needed to be dug into more deeply.

There are a WHOLE lot of questions that

Who the fuck are you to talk about what “honor dictates” for this family that has been bullied by a very powerful institution that they are directly related to? They get to choose how they handle what happened to them within their family. The public gets to know only what they choose to share. Which is how it should

Please, don’t anyone click on the Daily Mail, ever.

It depends really. She could change the system and make all great-grandkids Princes and Princesses but she’s reportedly a traditionalist so wouldn’t change that while it was Charles who, in taking on more day to day control, who drastically cut the privileges many lower tier and “non working” royals (though the term

I don’t think he said “uncaring prisoners”, he said his father and brother were trapped in the institution of the Royal Family. Perhaps uncaring is what you took from it, I understand, but I take it as “we’ve all been there, we know it sucks but you just have to learn to deal with it”.

You can care for people and still point out that there are problems.

Unless you’re paying their bills, why do you care? They didn’t ask anyone for a handout. As Harry said, he has his inheritance from his Mother.

My favorite twitter takes on this whole matter:

Of course they won't name names, look what happened to his mother. He wants to protect his wife and kids.

Oh, the Daily Fail loves comparing the Sussexes to Wallis & Edward, even though the two stories and couples couldn’t be more different. For one thing, Wallis and Edward were straight-up Nazis, Wallis actually wanted to remain Edward’s mistress so he could stay on the throne, and yeah. It’s just a lazy, deliberately

The extreme amount of tea that was spilled and there’s still a mostly full kettle on the table.